1000m Row50 x 45lb Thruster30 x Pull-ups50 x Double-unders(as a little extra)
5:00 Exercise Bike
On the off chance that anyone actually reads this thing, keep this in mind: I'm no professional, just some nut who wants to be in shape some day.
1000m Row50 x 45lb Thruster30 x Pull-ups50 x Double-unders(as a little extra)
10 x Double-unders
10 x Push-ups
10 x Squats
3 rounds of max rep Weighted Pull-ups (1 rd: 10lbs, 2&3 rd: 25lbs)3 rounds of max rep L-Sit Pull-ups3 rounds of max rep Twos-to-Bar25 x Double-unders
Ran ~1 mileActive Stretching
10 x :20 sprint, :10 rest
Double-undersActive Stretching
Overhead Back Lunges, 45# barVertical Medicine Ball Toss