Thursday, September 23, 2010

Back in the Saddle

I finally joined a gym up here in Oneonta and snuck out last night after Jamie went to bed for a solid workout. It was a rough one for my first trip back as it was either too long since my last workout or too soon since my last meal, but I managed to hold of Pukey the Clown and power through.

1 mile (.85 @ 9mph, .15 at 11mph)
Active Stretching

For time:
25 x Walking lunge steps
20 x Pull-ups
50 x Box jumps, 20 inch box
20 x Tuck Jumps
25 x Dips
20 x Knees to elbows
30 x Dumbbell swings, 53lbs
30 x Sit-ups
20 x Hang squat cleans, 33 pound dumbells
30 x Push-press, 45lb bar
20 x Pull-ups
Total Time: 25:45 (I think I can shave 5-10 minutes off that. We'll see.)

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