Friday, June 8, 2012

Cooperstown Pick-up

Once again we headed to C-town for some shoeless ultimate.  This time we brought Jamie and Beckett along and decided to trade off parenting responsibilities.  There was a large crowd out tonight so we picked teams and set up two simultaneous games of 5 v 5.  We played a basic round robin and then set up one giant game of 10 v 10 or something similarly ridiculous.  Again, not the best ultimate ever, but it was entertaining and we got some exercise.

Funny anecdotes:
I was picked first because I was "actually wearing real ultimate shorts so (I) must be really good!"
At one point, upon seeing my NY Ultimate jersey, I was asked if I played for the New York State team.

1 comment:

B-Lo said...

I really hope you didn't layout catch D any of them.

I can see you one day after living out in the boondocks for a couple decades randomly showing up at some pickup somewhere more developed than upstate NY, and you're sporting a mountain man beard and you haven't owned cleats in a decade and you tell the local kids that you used to play ultimate and even went to "Nationals" back when things were run by the "UPA". And they really aren't sure what to make of you.

I'd be ok with you layout catch D-ing those kids.