Monday, December 29, 2008

Witch's Brew

1 mile @ 8.5 mph
Active Stretching

Witch's Brew (from RunJumpLift):
4 rounds of:
4 x Deadlifts
4 x Hanging Cleans
4 x Front Squats
4 x Push Press
4 x Clean & Press/Jerks
Rd 1: 55lbs, Rd 2: 75lbs, Rd 3: 95lbs, Rd 4: 115lbs

Constant Plate Movement for 2:00 w/ 25lb plate.

Tabata Box Run (2 feet up, 2 feet down; alt. lead foot from one rep to the next):
26, 26, 25, 25, 25, 24, 26, 27
Core Work:
3 Sets of:
20 x Back Extensions
20 x Inclined Sit-ups w/ Medicine Ball toss

2:00 Balance Master

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Dance! Dance! Revolting!

Wait... that's not quite right.

Anyway, I got an XBox 360 for X-mas and with it came Dance! Dance! Revolution! and with DDR comes 'Workout Mode' which allows you to enter your weight and then tracks your Calories burned per song. Now this is the kind of shit that really plays on my addictive personality! It the game can be believed (which I doubt), you generally burn around 20 Calories per song on Basic and around 25 on difficult. I didn't track total songs played or Calories burned, but Mel and I played for an hour and half last night and an hour tonight and I definitely worked up a bit of sweat. It's no track workout, but it's pretty kick-ass at the balance and agility so I'm putting it in the log.

For good measure, I also threw in 60 "L" Dips and 50 Swiss ball crunches as well as my nightly 50 push-ups. Tomorrow, it's back to the gym after a week of Christmas revelry. While I didn't overdo it at the dinner table, I certainly ate more/worse than normal.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Old Fashioned Ass Whooping

I have nobody to blame but myself for this workout. I like to think of it as a counter-attack against the cookie dough of yesterday morning, or perhaps a preemptive strike against the Yuletide feasts to come.

1 mile @ 8.5 mph
Active Stretching

Old Fashioned Ass Whooping:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
1 x 140 yard suicide (cones at 8 yds, 14 yds, 20 yds, 28 yds)
10 x push-ups
20 x body-weight squats

Total rounds completed: 13, with :21 to spare.
If you're wondering about the odd distances, I ran my suicides on a small basketball court and made my turns at the touch lines, the foul lines, and half court.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Brumfis Pickup

Neither cold, nor snow, nor folks on vacation shall stop Brumfis pick-up. In fact, Ryan Thompson commuted all the way from California just to play. Pickins was slim at first, but we eventually had enough for some Boot. Those of us there on the earlier side got about 45 min. to an hour of throwing in before we busted out the cones to play three games of Boot. Much fun was had by all.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Stairs and Core

1 mile @ 8.5 mph
Active Stretching

J&J Stair Workout:
3 rounds of 10 flights as follows:
every step
every step, high knees
every step
every other step
every step
right foot hops
every step
left foot hops
every step
2-legged hop up 2, back 1
1:30 rest

rd 1 - 1:58
rd 2 - 1:52
rd 3 - 1:59
2 x 10/side w/ 35lb plate, :30 rest between sets

Incline Sit-ups w/ Medicine Ball Toss:
3 x 20, :30 rest between sets

10:00 Exercise Bike

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tabata Circuit

1 mile @ 8.5 mph
Active Stretching

Tabata Circuit:
8 rounds of:
Thrusters w/ 10lb dumbbells
:10 rest
Wall Balls
:10 rest
Box Jump w/ 15" box
:10 rest
15, 14, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14
Wall Balls:
12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 12, 12, 14
Box Jumps:
24, 24, 23, 25, 25, 23, 25, 27

9:00 Exercise Bike

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Swiss Ball Core

Core Circuit:

10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups (hands on ball, feet on

30 x Swiss Ball Crunches
10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20 x Leg Raises w/ Ball bet. legs
10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20 x Pike Bends w/ feet on

10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20/side x Swiss Ball Side Crunches
10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20/side x Windshield Wipers w/ Ball bet. legs
10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20/side x Side Knee Tucks w/ feet on ball
10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20 x Left Swiss Ball Side Bend
10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20 x Right Swiss Ball Side Bend
10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20 x Swiss Ball Back Extension, legs anchored, raise upper

10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20 x Swiss Ball Back Extension, upper body anchored, raise

25 x Body-weight Squats (no Swiss Ball for this one!)
50 x push-ups (also no ball)

Monday, December 15, 2008

DB Snatch, Pull-ups, Core

1 mile @ 8.5 mph
Active Stretching

21-15-9 for time:
Right hand Dumbbell Snatch @ 25lbs
Left hand Dumbbell Snatch @ 25lbs
Kipping Pull-ups
Total Time: 9:03

1:30 Plank
:30 rest
1:30 Right side plank
:30 rest
1:30 Left side plank

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Brumfis Pickup

After a morning spent vacuuming water and carrying wet shit out of my basement, I was in dire need of an outlet. Ah! The joys of home ownership. Fortunately, today's a Brumfis Pickup day!

The temperature was pretty low, but the calm conditions and ample sun made for a surprisingly pleasant experience (says the guy with 4 layers, plus a woolen sweater, snowboarding gloves, and a hat that would've kept Pearey and Hensen warm). We started off running 5's and then expanded the field and bumped it to sixes with a sub or two after a few more folks rolled in.

Quality continues to be high out there with some Pike heads, a few Roots guys, and a handful from Rutgers. By the end, we played for around 2-2.5 hours and managed to get in 4 games to 7 (some of them were even close!). I finished off the day with a half hour or so of throwing with Sammy IV. Man, that guys always up for a toss. As the Brit's would say: "What a tosser!"

Friday, December 12, 2008

Tabata Workout

1 mile @ 8.5 mph
Active Stretching

Tabata Intervals:
Jump Pull-ups:
29, 29, 26, 22, 19, 18, 16, 18
2:00 Rest:
:30 full rest, 1:00 constant movement w/ 25lb plate, :30 full rest

Mount Climbers (reps are per leg):
25, 23, 22, 20, 19, 19, 19, 19
2:00 Rest:
:30 full rest, 1:00 arm swings w/ 5lb dumbbells, :30 full rest

Burpees (no push-ups):
11, 11, 10, 8, 7, 7, 6, 9
2:00 Rest:
:30 full rest, 1:00 constant movement w/ 25lb plate, :30 full rest

Lateral Bounds (reps are per side):
18, 19, 17, 16, 15, 16, 16, 15
2:00 Rest:
:30 full rest, 1:00 arms swings w/ 5lb dumbbells, :30 full rest

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Witch's Brew

1 mile @ 8.5 mph
Active Stretching

Witch's Brew (from RunJumpLift):
4 rounds of:
4 x Deadlifts
4 x Hanging Cleans
4 x Front Squats
4 x Push Press
4 x Clean & Press/Jerks
Rd 1: 55lbs, Rd 2: 75lbs, Rd 3: 95lbs, Rd 4: 115lbs

The leg portions were easy for me, but the hanging cleans and the push press were pretty tough by round 4. I guess that shows where the majority of my muscle mass currently lies. Interestingly enough, the full clean & press/jerks weren't a problem at all. And talk about an exercise that makes you feel powerful!

UFC Trainer Experiment using two exercise I got from this video (thanks Tim!):
Constant Rope Swinging for 2:00.
I used 4 weighted jump-ropes linked together and wrapped around a leg press machine. Didn't really work due to lack of space, but it was fun.
:30 rest

Constant Plate Movement for 2:00 w/ 25lb plate.
This one is worth doing again.

Tabata Sets:
Chuck Kellers:
14, 13, 12, 12, 11, 12, 12, 12
Inclined Sit-ups:
16, 16, 15, 15, 14, 13, 13, 12

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Quick Cardio

Actual work cut into my gym session so time was limited.

10:00 Rowing Machine
Active Stretching

Tabata Cycle @ 10mph/7% incline
2:00 @ 3mph
2:30 @ 8.5mph
1:30 @ 10mph

Monday, December 8, 2008

400 Circuit

Active Stretching

400 Circuit:

10 rounds for time of:
10 x mahlers
10 x push-ups
10 x burpees
10 x sumo squats
Total Time: 19:36

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Brumfis Pickup

Mel and I showed up a bit late today but still managed to get in a good 1 hour and half of play in. The weather was a bit brisk, but turnout was decent anyway enabling us to run 6s for pretty much the whole time. I finished things up with 15 minutes of throwing with Walt before heading to the showers.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tabatas and other such fun things

10:00 rowing machine
Active Stretching

15 x Rope-grip Pull-ups

Tabata Sets:
Push Press w/ 35lb bar
26, 25, 21, 13, 10, 10, 9, 12
Lateral Step-ups (each rep is per leg):
9, 8, 7.5, 7.5, 7, 8, 7.5, 8
Hanging Power Clean w/ 35lb bar:
17, 19, 15, 12, 10, 9, 10, 12
Russian Twists w/ 35lb plate:
15, 15, 12, 12, 10, 10, 9, 12
10mph @ 7% incline

7 Steps Abs:
7 x 30 crunches, various positions

Exercise Bike:
6:00 for 50 Calories

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Swiss Ball Circuit

I didn't hit the gym today 'coz I was still sore from Monday (damn KB swings), but I had to do a little something so I took to the Swiss Ball once again.

Core Circuit:

10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups (hands on ball, feet on

20 x Swiss Ball Crunches
10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20 x Leg Raises w/ Ball bet. legs
10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20 x Straight Knee Tucks w/ feet on

10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20/side x Swiss Ball Side Crunches
10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20/side x Windshield Wipers w/ Ball bet. legs
10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20/side x Side Knee Tucks w/ feet on ball
10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20 x Left Swiss Ball Side Bend
10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20 x Right Swiss Ball Side Bend
10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20 x Swiss Ball Back Extension, legs anchored, raise upper

10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20 x Swiss Ball Back Extension, upper body anchored, raise

25 x Body-weight Squats (no Swiss Ball for this one!)
50 x push-ups (also no ball)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Blackjack Circuit

1 mile @ 9 mph
Active Stretching

Blackjack Circuit (modified CWoD):
3 rounds for time of:
21 x V-Ups
21 x Kettlebell Swings @ 25lbs
21 x Push-ups
10 x Rope-grip Pull-ups
21 x Box Jumps
21 x Back Extensions
21/leg x Lunges
Total Time: 17:27

5:00 Elliptical Machine