Sunday, November 30, 2008

Swiss Ball Circuit

Core Circuit:

10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups (hands on ball, feet on

20 x Swiss Ball Crunches
10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20 x Leg Raises w/ Ball bet. legs
10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20 x Straight Knee Tucks w/ feet on

10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20/side x Swiss Ball Side Crunches
10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20/side x Windshield Wipers w/ Ball bet. legs
10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20/side x Side Knee Tucks w/ feet on ball
10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20 x Left Swiss Ball Side Bend
10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20 x Right Swiss Ball Side Bend
10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20 x Swiss Ball Back Extension, legs anchored, raise upper

10 x Swiss Ball Push-ups
20 x Swiss Ball Back Extension, upper body anchored, raise

20/leg x Single Leg Squats (no Swiss Ball for this one!)
10 x Plyo push-up to standing (also no ball)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Neighborhood Run Redux

7:00 Run
8:00 Interval Run (:30 hard, :30 easy)
Active Stretching
8 x Hill Sprints (:14, :13, :13, :12, :12, :12, :11, :11)
2:00 Walk
10 x Fingertip Pull-ups
30 x TOs
60 x Push-ups = (20(normal + diamond + wide))

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Neighborhood Run

5:00 run
11:00 interval run (:30 hard, :30 easy)
4:00 run
2:00 walk
50 x push-ups
50 x bicycles
5 x hill sprints (:15, :13, :14, :14, :12)
1:00 walk
Active Stretching (while talking to Jehovah's witness about hell)

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Mary Ellen, Alex and I headed over to the Sourland Preserve in Hillsborough, NJ for a bit of hiking today. The weather was cold, but sunny and made for a nice hike. All told, we hiked for about 2 hours.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

New Brunswick Pickup

Today marked the first day of New Brunswick pick-up and, true to form, it was very cold and very windy. It's amazing how much difference cold air makes when your lungs are used to working out indoors. Things started off a bit slow but that allowed me to get in a lot of quality throwing in the swirling wind with Waltkal. Eventually we got enough folks to put together a game of 5's and then 6's and I think even 7's at one point. The best thing about it is there are always quality players out there to keep you honest and to keep the game moving, even if numbers are low. today we had a solid Pike/ex-Pike core (me, Dusty, Glenn, Frenchy, Walt) combined with some potential future Pikers and assorted Rutgers folks.

45:00 throwing
5:00 run
Active Stretching
1:30:00 ultimate

Friday, November 21, 2008

Sammy I-V Circuit

1 mile @ 8.5
Somehow, I forgot to do my Active Stretching and didn't notice until well into the circuit. No wonder I was so stiff!

Sammy I-V:
50 Richochet Jumps
10 Push-ups
30 sec rest

10 Box Jump w/ 180 degree turn
5 Divebombers
30 sec rest

10 Depth-Drop Box Jump
5 Pike Push-ups, feet on chair
30 sec rest

5 per leg Low Squat Jump into Jump Lunge
10 one-hand push-ups (x5 each arm)
30 sec rest

5 one-legged jumps with one step walk-up (per leg) - focus on footwork and arm swings
30 sec rest

1/2 Tabata Set of Split Jumps (:20 on, :10 rest), focus on pumping arms
30, 30, 31, 35
1:00 rest

8 Consecutive Kangaroo Jumps
10 clap push-ups
30 sec rest

1:30 Forward Plank
30 sec rest

1:30 Right Side Plank
30 sec rest

1:30 Left Side Plank

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Explosive Power Leg Workout

10:00 Elliptical machine
Active Stretching

Explosive Power Leg Circuit:
5 rounds for time of:
10 x Kangaroo Jumps
10 x Squat Jumps w/ hands behind head
10/leg x Power Skips, max height
10/leg x Lateral Bounds, max lateral distance
10 x Box Jump from seated position
Total time: 12:57

2:00 rest

7 Steps Ab Workout:
7 x 30 crunches, various positions

Single Leg Squat Circuit:
2 rounds of:
10/leg x Single Leg Squats
15/leg x Bulgarian Split Squats
10/leg x Box Jump March

2:00 rest

Back Strength:
2 x 25 Glute/Ham Extensions

Monday, November 17, 2008

Men's Health Circuits

1 mile @ 8.5 mph
Active Stretching

I based the following circuits off a Men's Health article.

Circuit I:
5 rounds of:
0:40 treadmill @ 10mph, 10% incline
10 x Over-head squats w/ standard bar
Round 1: 0:40 plank
Rd 2: 0:40 left side bridge
Rd 3: 0:40 right side bridge on right arm 40 sec
Rd 4: 0:40 plank
Rd 5: 0:40 hold bottom of a push-up

2:00 rest

Circuit II:
3 rounds of:
0:40 Mountain climbers
0:20 rest
40 x push-ups
10 x bent-over row w/ standard bar

2:00 rest

Circuit III:
4 rounds of:
1:00 treadmill @ 10mph
5/leg x single-leg rotation squat
Round 1: 85 x crunches
Rd 2: 60 x right side oblique crunches
Rd 3: 60 x left side oblique crunches
Rd 4: 50/side x bicycles

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Preemptive Strike

In an attempt to partially offset tonight's trip to a Manhattan Italian restaurant, I went for a run in the unseasonably warm weather. After two days of squats, my legs were a bit leaden but they loosened up after a few minutes and then hardened back up again towards the end.

21:00 run

Friday, November 14, 2008

Medicine Ball Routine

10:00 Elliptical Machine
Active Stretching

Medicine Ball Routine I (thanks Dusty):
3 rounds of:
10 x front squat w/ vertical toss & catch
15 x overhead slams
10 x burpees
1:00 rest

Medicine Ball Routine II:
3 rounds of:
20 x inclined sit-ups with vertical toss & catch
20 x push-ups (1. regular, 2. diamond, 3. wide)
20 x Russian Twists w/ ball
1:00 rest

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Friendly Competition, 11/13

1 mile @ 8.5 mph
Active Stretching

Crossfit WoD Jason:
For time:
5 x muscle-ups
100 x squats
10 x pull-ups
10 x dips
75 x squats
15 x pull-ups
15 x dips
50 x squats
20 x pull-ups
20 x dips
25 x squats
Total time: 12:21

The original workout called for muscle-ups the whole way through, but I'm not nearly ready for that. As it was, the 5 I did were quite a struggle.

10/side x Corkscrews w/ 35lb plate

50 x inclined Sit-ups

10:00 Elliptical Machine

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Chores & 7 Steps

1.25 walk from Meineke

3 hours bagging leaves

1.25 walk to Meineke

7 Steps Abs and Push-ups
7 x 30 Crunches, various positions
7 x 30 Push-ups, various positions

Sunday, November 9, 2008

PADA Mosh, Day 2

Alright, Sunday at Mosh! Time for some real ultimate, right?

Our quarters match up was against some friends from around the scene on Johnny Pivot Foot (nice name!) . They had some ballers on this team so we were pretty fired up to get some running in. JHB came out strong and was able to make better use of the wind. That, combined with a hard night of drinking by JPF, earned us the victory and and a spot in the semis against our Arch Nemesis: Pipe Wrench Fight (new name, same team).

Alright! Now I really get to play the decent ultimate I've been missing for the past month! Or not... While on paper, the teams looked well-matched, on the field, PWF kicked our asses. I'm not exactly sure why, but JHB played uninspired and really didn't even put up a fight allowing PWF to cruise to an easy win. So my thirst for decent ultimate continues unsatiated. Maybe Vegas...

At least the Giants beat the Eagles.

2ish games of ultimate
lots of throwing
some hotbox/500/silly disc games

Saturday, November 8, 2008

PADA Mosh, Day 1

Mel and I headed down to Toughkenamon, PA to play some competitive disc for the first time in a month. As per tradition, we took the field with Johnny Handblock. There wasn't much of interest to report on Day 1. I think our opponents scored a total of 5 or 6 points on us so the ultimate wasn't all that exciting and it certainly wasn't particularly taxing. On the plus side, it was great to catch up with some old friends, meet some new ones, and drink free Victory.

3ish games of Ultimate
Lots of throwing
various shenanigans

Friday, November 7, 2008

Half-Filthy 50

1 mile @ 8.5 mph
Active Stretching

Half-Filthy 50 for time:
25 Box Jumps w/ 18-inch box
25 Jump Pull-ups
25 Kettleball Swings w/ 25lb ball
25 Lunges per leg (stationary lunges)
25 Knees-to-Elbows
25 Push-Press w/ standard bar
25 Back Extensions
25 Wall Balls
25 Burpees
25 Kangaroo Jumps
Total Time: 7:29

5:00 Exercise bike

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

CFWoD: "Michael" plus some Elliptical

10:00 Elliptical
Active Stretching

CFWod: "Michael"
Three rounds for time of:
Run 800m (3:00 @ 10mph)
50 x Superman back extensions
50 x Crunches
Total Time: 15:42

10:00 Elliptical

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Leaves, Disc Golf, & Quick Circuit Workout

Mel and I returned yesterday from a relaxing cruise to the Bahamas bloated from endless buffets, and lazy from being waited on hand and foot. I'd like to think that I didn't blow 10 months of (logged) workouts on one cruise, but I'm not so sure. We did get in a fair amount of walking, some solid swimming, and lots of throws in high wind, so it wasn't a total waste - not to mention the whole relax n' recharge value. Plus, it helped me avoid thinking about that place I'd spent every Halloween weekend since '98...

I eased my way back into the workout routine today with the following:

A couple of hours raking leaves

18 holes of disc golf (-2 on the day)

Quick Circuit Workout:
5 rounds for time of:
10 x mahlers
10 x push-ups
10 x burpees
10 x squats
Total Time: 8:43