Monday, May 10, 2010


3/4 mile @ 8.5 mph
1/4 mile @ 10 mph
Active Stretching

10 x Thrusters w/ 25lb Dumbbells
10 x TOs
Total rounds: 10

AMRAP 5 wearing 25lb weight vest:
3 x Pull-ups
5 x Plyo Clap Push-ups (hands and feet clap)
Total rounds: 7

10:00 Rowing Machine


Dustin Kreidler said...

How'd that feel loaded down with yummy burgerage? ;) Also, wtf are 'TOs'?

-89 said...

Oh man, it was rough. I wanted to do more running, but after the second AMRAP it was all I could do to keep that HOUS (Hamburger of unusual size, of course) in my belly.

TO's are full body crunches, so named coz I first saw Terrell Owens do them during an interview. You lay back with your arms out forming a 'T', then crunch and bring your arms forward and around your legs like an 'O', without actually touching your legs.