Saturday, March 8, 2008

6 Dudes ...

Pike showed up at Terminus to 25 degrees, 30-40mph winds with 6 dudes. Awesome! Through some careful conniving, Will Reed managed to guilt Nick off of Love and onto our sideline, and with some dedicated captainly wooing, Dusty managed to get us local Atlanta legend, Schmidt. We've got enough to play and even one sub. Perfect!

The ridiculous wind made for that terrible bastardized version of ultimate that we've all experienced when even the best throwers cannot throw further than 15 yards upwind and teams are punting and zoning and chasing discs that have blown several fields away. Even so, that type of play probably helped our low numbers since it involved little sustained running and ample breaks in play to rest.

As for the workout part, we played four games (1-4 on the day) and, after sitting out the very first point of the tournament, I didn't take a sub all day.


Anonymous said...

25 degrees? Twas warmer in NB.
Did you rock the sweater?

-89 said...

Hell yeah I did! It's the only reason I survived!

Plus, I looked AWESOME.