Monday, March 24, 2008

Paga Day 4

The Ninals! Today's the day. The sun is shining, the tank is clean ...

With decent weather and hardened hearts, we fulfilled our desires for a-NINE-alation and won our last game of Paganello 2008, capturing the Ninals.

1 x 35 minute game of 5 on 5 beach ultimate

Additional exercise:
1 x series of unfortunate events on our trip home which involved 3 x 20 minute walks between the hotel and the train station with aforementioned 35lb backpack and 30 minutes of wandering the deserted streets of Bologna at 3:30 AM, also involving the now infamous backpack.

Editor's comments:
First of all, Paganello is once again a great time. Despite our sub-par performance, we had a blast. Great tournament, great town, great food, great drink, AWESOME friends to spend a week with.

And to tie this in to the workout log, the new regimen works great. This was the best I've ever felt in that damn Rimini sand. Felt strong all weekend and was even able to jump high on a couple of occasions. Still didn't feel fast in that sand, but I doubt that has anything to do with conditioning.

Also, all that practice throwing while balancing on only your pivot foot is great training for beach ultimate. With the ground so uneven and downright shifty, it's tough to get balanced and throw. Being able to keep my upper body stable and balanced and to throw comfortably and accurately while my lower body was struggling in the shifting sand was huge.

If you want to improve your throwing in a hurry, you need to practice throwing while balancing on your pivot foot. For more details, check out Idris' blog (Props to Dusty for pointing this out).

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