Thursday, March 13, 2008

Single-Leg Squats and more

5:00 rowing machine
Active Stretching

Single-Leg Squat Training:
2 Sets of:
6 x Negative Squats per leg
10 x Partial Squats per leg w/ 2x5lb dumbbells

This comes from an article recommended by Frostillicus entitled "The Best Exercise You're Not Doing". As it turns out, my right leg is considerably stronger than my left. I easily did 5 single-leg squats on my right leg, whereas I could not perform 1 with good form on the left. I'm going to attribute this gross imbalance to years of pivoting in Ultimate. Whatever the cause, it needs fixin'.

Tabata Chin-ups:
12, 8, 5, 4, 1, 4 w/ 50lbs assistance, 4 w/ 60lbs assistance, 4 w/ 70lbs assistance
Tabata Lateral Step-ups (per leg):
7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6
Tabata Floor Wipers w/ 2x40lb dumbbells:
6, 6, 6, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5
Back Extensions:
1 x 50
Tabata Exercise Bike:
4 x 20 on, 10 off at level 10 of 20

1 comment:

-89 said...

Evidence seems to indicate that the cause of this imbalance is actually my left ankle, which I sprained back in January. While the ankle itself feels pretty strong, the stabilizing muscles surrounding it are no where near as strong as my right ankle.