Tuesday, September 22, 2009

HP ETC: Red Fish Run

Mel, Jamie, and I headed to the track for a quick workout. We loaded Jamie up in her Jogger so she could get some work in too.

1 mile, pushing Jamie
Active Stretching

Tabata Sprints, pushing Jamie:
10 x :15 sprint, :10 rest
(I think I did 11, but I wasn't sure so I did an extra.)

10 x jog 50m, sprint 50m, sans Jamie

It's actually quite strange trying to sprint without using your arms at all! Who knew? The nice thing was that when use of my arms was returned in the 50/50s, I felt like I was flying.

(insert jokes about short arms here)

1 comment:

Smellis said...

resistance sprinting/training FTW!!!
Now all you need is a parachute