Tuesday, March 11, 2008

21-15-9 plus

8:00 Elliptical Machine (1st time. Figured I'd see what all the fuss is about.)
Active Stretching

21-15-9 for time:
Romanian Deadlifts w/ 2x25lb Kettlebells
Overhead Squat w/ standard bar
Total Time: 6:18

Tabata Push-ups:
38, 38, 30, 19, 11, 10, 10, 10

Seven/Forty Abs:
40 Standard Crunches
40 Crunches with Legs up
40 Leg Raises
40 Crunches with knees apart/feet flat
40 Crunches with knees apart/feet together
40 Right-side oblique crunches
40 Left-side oblique crunches

1 comment:

dusty.rhodes said...

So after I saw that you hit 38! on the first ones, i did Tabata pushups last night with a renewed dedication to see what i could get:


I'm still nowhere near 38, but I started feeling the ability to get there, if that makes sense.