Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I went with low impact/low intensity exercises since this was to be my fourth day in a row. I was feeling a bit bored though so I picked it up a bit towards the end.

Rowing Machine: 10:00

10 x Military Pull-ups

Exercise Bike: 11:00

15 x Pull-ups

J&J Stair Workout:
10 flights as follows:
every step
every step, high knees
every step
every other
every step
right foot hops
every step
left foot hops
every step
2-legged hop up 2, back 1
Total Time: 2:24

15 x Chin-ups

3 x 162 yard suicides, :30 rest between each

10 x Pull-ups


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are still at it while the season is in full swing ... Hopefully Bear Proof and Pike do battle at sectionals and we can see who winds up with the most lay out D's.

-89 said...

Hey CJ! Great to hear from you!

Bear Proof? I like it! How's the team coming together?

RE: layout D's
Didn't you hear? I'm on the O line this year! (w00t!) In that case, I guess I gotta hope we tie at 0.

-89 said...

PS - If only I had a tall, crazy athletic receiver from Shippensburg to throw to...

Anonymous said...

Doing well. Got a young squad with a crazy amount of athleticism and speed on the roster. Our defense and athleticism is putting us over the top against alot of teams but when we play against elite seasoned teams a young squad will make young squad mistakes. Took 5th at No Surf and 3rd at Jazzfest, losing only to BAT X and Mephisto. BAT was a crazy good team and that was only their freakin X squad. Mephisto just out smarted us but were definately beatable. Got two tournaments until sectionals though so plenty of time to correct the mistakes.

Shame you got all fancy and went O line on me. I kind of flow freely between the two lines so I guess I can't say much.

Hahah, working on it man. Just keep the deep bombs ready...

I've been keeping an eye on you guys on UPA, how are things on the ground level?