Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sneak Preview

With my local track closed for repairs I hopped on Google Maps and searched the satellite images for conspicuous ovals near local high schools. Once again, Google did me right and pointed me straight to Piscattaway High School and their beautiful new track. I'm telling you, this track is primo.

While I was there, a lady showed up with her trainer and proceeded to kick some serious ass in her racing chair. Man, she was flying around the track. Seeing an athlete like that was great motivation.

1 mile in 6:37
Active Stretching

Base Building Workout:
2 x 400m with 2:15 rest
6 x 200m with 1:30 rest

Man, between the fast (for me) 400s and the heat, I was hurtin' on the 200s. I was ashamed enough by the :36 to will myself through the last one, but overall I'm disappointed with those times.
5:00 rest

6 x 100m strides, walk back to start
start w/ 5m jog into 180 degree turn left
start w/ 5m jog into 180 degree turn right
start w/ 5m jog into 90 degree turn left
start w/ 5m jog into 90 degree turn right
start w/ 10m jog
start w/ 10m jog

10 x 14-count Body Builders

25 x TOs


Anonymous said...

what's a Body Builder? what's a TO?


-89 said...

Hmm... difficult to put into words...
Basically, a body builder is 2 jumping jacks, followed by a squat thrust into push-up position, then you kick your feet apart, bring them back together, do two push-ups, bring your feet back up under you and then leap into the air. That's one rep.

As for TOs:

So called because I first saw these demonstrated by Terrell Owens during an interview. This is a full-body crunch. Lie on your back with your shoulders and feet a few inches off the floor and your arms extended outward (you should look like a 'T'). Perform a crunch by bringing your chest to your knees and your feet to your butt. At the same time, wrap your arms around your knees (kinda like an 'O'). Don't grab your knees! This ain't no rest period!! Lower yourself back to the starting position. At no time during the exercise should your feet or shoulders ever hit the floor.