Sunday, July 6, 2008

Push-ups & Crunches

While watching Wimbledon:

600 x Push-ups
600 x Crunches

and added some more during the Yankee game:

100 x Push-ups
100 x Crunches


Anonymous said...

damn. impressive.

a couple of us started something called the 20k club...the goal is to do 20,000 combined reps of pushups, crunches, and pull-ups...but purely as something we do when we get up in the morning and before we go to bed (10k of crunches, 9k of pushups, and 1k of pulls).

with 100 or so days left, it's doable. wanna join?

- brandon

-89 said...

Interesting ... I do a lot of push-ups, crunches and pull-ups in my workouts. I wonder if I'll reach that in my normal routine.

What's the time frame for this endeavor of yours?

Anonymous said...

the goal is october 30th.

i paced it out and it's actually not that bad at all...i'm well on pace to get there ahead of time (maybe even early october).

it's mainly been really useful in getting me to do something before bed and when i wake up (something i always liked in theory but in reality, never did and definitely not with any consistency).

plus it's doing 20,000 of something. which is kind of cool.

i think tous is on board now too :)


-89 said...

A quick tally through mid-July gives me:
~ 3500 push-ups
~ 775 pull-ups
~ 5000 crunches

(NB - much of what I counted as push-ups were actually variations, and most of those are more difficult than actual push-ups. same goes for the crunches. in tallying the pull-ups, I didn't include any jump variations, but did count the few chin-ups that I've done.)