Monday, July 14, 2008

CFrosty Circuit & Some Core

If you haven't seen Chris Frost's blog yet (, you should really check it out. It's full of great articles, professional advice, and plenty of ideas to keep your workouts fresh and effective. I based today's workout on an example from an article of his.

1 mile @ 8.5 mph
Active Stretching

CFrosty Circuit:
Medicine Ball Routine (part 1):
20 x front-squat vertical toss
20 x sumo-squat backwards toss (against wall w/ catch)
25/side x side-twist
20/side x chest throws in lunge position (against wall w/ catch)
Plyometric Power Exercises (part 2):
2 sets of:
20 x sitting box jumps (mid-thigh-high box)
10 x depth-drop push-ups
20/leg x box jump march
15 x jump pull-ups w/ tuck
10 x jump shrug @ 125lbs

Core Work:
7 Steps Abs:
7 sets of 40 x crunches, various positions
Back Extensions:
25 x

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