Saturday, August 23, 2008

Pike Double Practice & Pool Party

Pike had a double practice in Princeton today followed up by a BBQ & Pool Party at Kyle's place. Practice saw a lot of short and focused scrimmages with much emphasis placed on scoring in the first possession and suitable punishments doled out to the losing squads. We also ran through a couple of drills targeted towards key aspects of our offense.

All in all, the team is doing much better at bringing focus and intensity to practice which will only help us in the series. Personally, I'm really feeling pressure to bring it to every practice since this fall's wedding schedule means I'll be missing some key weekends going forward.

The pool party was great. Lots of good food, good folks, and outrageous shenanigans. The diving board was put to good use and we all got some good work on our shoulder high, 360 degree, flipping layout grabs into floating pool furniture. Hey! If you don't practice it, how can you expect to pull it off in a game?

Double Practice
Poolside Shenanigans

1 comment:

dusty.rhodes said...

i slapped myself in the ankle.
it is still red.
unlike my blog.