Friday, February 20, 2009

Movement and Cutting Drills

For a change of pace, I did today's workout in Regis' 3/4 size basketball court.

4:00 run, side-shuffle right, back-pedal, side-shuffle left
1:30 run, cross-over right, back-pedal, cross-over left
Active stretching

Movement and Footwork:
15:00 Downfield Cutting Practice:
Starting slow and working up to full speed, I practiced various cutting progressions focusing on balance and perfect footwork and striving for the fastest direction changes possible.

3:00 rest

5 x Suicides, 1:00 rest between each.
Same focus: balance, footwork, change of direction.

At this point I was planning on some further cardio on the elliptical, but I managed to wear the skin off of the ball of my left foot (again!) so I called it quits. That, and my 4 hours of sleep is starting to weigh me down. Where's my scratching post!

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