Monday, August 13, 2012

Crucible Deck

Running, 2 laps around FCC.  (Lap 1: 2:24, Lap 2: 2:04)
Active Stretching

Crucible Deck:
Hearts: 10 x Sprint
Diamonds: 10 x Push-ups
Spades: 10 x TOs
Clubs: 10 x Squats
Joker #1: 10 x Mahlers
Joker #2: 10 x Burpees
Total Time: 14:36

5:00 Exercise Bike


Brandon said...

Did this today. Damn, it's hard. I was at 22 minutes. My only excuse is that it was 90 degrees.

Beef Supreme said...

I did this today. I had no such weather excuse (it was around 80 here). It kicked my ass and I intentionally did not keep time, but I would have been somewhere around 20-25 minutes. Good times!