Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Redfish [Baby] Run

Not to be confused with a [Baby] Redfish Run... Perhaps unsurprisingly, this workout was not easier with the addition of a toddler in a baby stroller.  Jamie fell asleep some time during the 40-40s.  Poor thing, I'm pretty sure it was the extra Gs she was pulling that caused her to black out.

7:21 Run w/ Jogging StrollerActive Stretching

Redfish Run w/ Jogging Stroller:
Tabata Sprints:
10 x :20 sprint, :10 rest
10 x jog 40 yards, sprint 40 yards

5:30 run

After cooling off for a bit, I then headed up to the house to help my father-in-law re-grade the lawn.  This basically involved loading a lot of construction debris into a trailer, and then a bunch of raking, shoveling, and moving rocks.

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