Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Toddler Joggin', Agility, and stuff

As I mentioned in my previous post, it looks like I may need to get back in tournament shape, and fast.  Physically, I am more muscular than I was when I moved upstate and away from ultimate, but the endurance is going to take effort to get back on track.  With that in mind, I threw Jamie in the jogging stroller and ran her over to one of the local parks.  While she splashed around in the stream, I did a bunch of informal agility and plyo drills, and then we ran back home.

11:00 run
Plyo/Agility Drills (box jumps, one-legged box jumps, plyo box march, sprinting small staircase, step-ups, etc)
12:00 run

Later that same evening:
50 x Push-ups
1:00 Wall Sit
61 x TOs

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