Sunday, August 19, 2012

Moving, Day 2

We were back at it first thing in the morning.  After packing a few more pieces of furniture, I took the truck up to the new house and my father-in-law and I set about unloading it.  We finished up around lunch time, so we went home, grabbed a quick bite to eat, and loaded her up again.  The second truck load probably had half the volume, mostly kids' toys and the rest of the stuff from the garage.

Once loaded, we went back to the new house and my father-in-law hopped on the tractor to get started on the yard work (back-filling the retaining wall, fixing the grade on the lawn with the york rake, etc) while I unloaded the truck.  About half-way through, Mary Ellen came along to help me finish up.  At around 4:30, we unloaded the last of it, returned the truck, and headed back to the house.

Now for some _real_ work!  While Mary Ellen began tiling the backsplash in the kitchen, I headed out back to finish up the retaining wall.  Now that pops-in-law had backfilled a bit, I put three more courses on the wall, then dug a 3' x 3' hole at the end so I could bury the drainage pipe in gravel and create a mini leach field of sorts.  After that, I picked up rocks turned up by the tractor, shoveled dirt and gravel, and raked dirt around the foundation to finish off the grade.  At this point, Mary Ellen had to pick up the kiddos, so I took over tiling the backsplash.  At around 10pm, I finished up and headed home to bed (which now consists of a mattress on the floor of a mostly empty bedroom).

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