Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hill Sprints at 509

An historic day, today marked my first ever workout at the new house, not counting yard work and remodeling of course.  In the future, I hope to have awesome trails throughout the 72 acre property, but right now, I've got one trail that heads from the field, down a steep hill, to the pond, and thanks to my pops-in-law and a fairly large tractor, it's cleared enough to run on provided you're OK with jumping over holes, dodging roots, and side-stepping thorn apples.  At any rate, after a day spent hauling stuff to the dump and tiling in the kitchen, I decided to see what that hill had to offer.

10 x Hill Sprints, 1:00 rest (rest includes the walk back down to the start)
:15, :12, :12, :12, :12, :12, :12, :12, :12, :12

5:00 Rest

5 x Hill Sprints, 1:00 rest (rest includes the walk back down to the start)
:12, :12, :13, :13, :12
I really tried to break :12 on the last sprint, but alas, didn't have it in me.  I blame slipping on a rock.

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