Tabata Chuck Kellers (treadmill was in use!)
1 mile @ 8.5 mph
Active Stretching
Lee's 666 Workout:
I. First 6
2 rounds of:II. Second 6
10 x Jump rope w/ weighted rope
10 x Wall Balls
10 x Plyo Box Ski Slides
10 x Push-ups
10 x Plyo Box Step Ups (Up-Up-Down-Down)
10 x Jump rope w/ weighted rope
2 rounds w/ weight vest of:III. Third 6
10 x 80 Jumps
10 x Explosive Throws on Plyometric Box.
3 x Hurdle hops
10 x Seated Medicine ball throw
10 x Mountain Climbers
10 x Walking lunges (2 forward, 1 back)
2 rounds of:
½ Pyramid lunges (10-8-6-4-2)
10 yards of Side Winders with ankle bands
10 x Dumbbell Carry (40 lbs or higher)
10 x Box jumps
10 x Push-ups
10 x Overhead Squats w/ medicine ball
Each phase was set up before hand so that you ran ~10 yards from one exercise to the next.