Monday, January 21, 2008

Deck of Cards

Another fun idea from dusty.rhodes

Get a Deck of Cards.
Shuffle them.

Spades: Burpees
Clubs: Mahlers
Hearts: Pushups
Diamonds: Squats

2-9 = Face Value
10-K = 10
A = 15

I'm convinced that this is one of those workouts that never gets easier. Sure, your times improve, but if you're doing it right, you're always pushing yourself to your max and you're always spent at the end.

Anyway, my time:
and my deal:
QH, 10S, KS, JC, 6S, 4C, AC, KD, 5S, 4H, 9S, 10H, 9D, 7C, 8S, 6C, 2H, 5H, 3H, 8H, JD, 7D, JH, 7H, 3D, 4D, 6H, 3C, 8D, QD, 10C, 3S, 2S, AH, 9H, QS, 7S, AD, KH, JS, 5D, 5C, 2D, QC, 8C, 4S, AS, KC, 9C, 6D, 2C, 10D

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