Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Filthy McNasty

Based on a suggestion/dare from R 'TF' T, TF I did a quick little workout from our good buddies at quaintly entitled Filthy 50s. Check out the video for more info.

And we go a little something like this ...

5:00 @ 8mph

Filthy 50's (timer starts now):
50 Box Jumps (18-inch box)
50 Kettleball Swings (16lb ball) *
50 Jump Pull-ups *
50 Lunges per leg (stationary lunges, not lunge-walk as per video)
50 Push-Press (standard 6-foot bar as per video) *
50 Knees-to-Elbows *
50 Back Extensions
50 Wall Balls ***
50 Burpees
50 Kangaroo Jumps **

Total Time: 20:43.9

5:00 rest period (2:00 gasping and panting, 3:00 @ 3mph on the treadmill)

30 TOs
30 push-ups
20 TOs
20 Push-ups
10 TOs
10 Push-ups

I'm not about to pretend this workout was easy. I was definitely gasping for air at the end and I'm sure I'll be sore in the morning. However, I routinely feel worse after the Tabata cycles. There's something about the pain (mentally and physically) of total muscle failure that makes the grueling endurance requirement of the Filthy 50 seem ... mmmm ... merely dirty. There were plenty of times when I was hurting in the 50s, but never as much as the last 3 or 4 sets of a Tabata cycle, and given that, I always knew I could finish.

* Switched the order from the video based on the availability of the pull-up bar.
** CrossFit calls them Tuck Jumps and lists them as a substitute exercise for the Double-Unders. I did K-Jumps because
A. there was no space to jump rope.
And B. I can barely jump-rope under the best of circumstances.
*** Having re-watched the video, I definitely cheated on the Wall Ball. I did a 'jump and throw' motion, I did not go into a full squat like in the video. I think my way was more of a lung-buster whereas theirs would definitely burn your quads a lot more.)


Ryan Todd said...

Damn, that's a fast time. Well done.

Can I offer a suggestion to improve your jump-roping ability? Find the longest possible rope available. That will help compensate for the arms.

-89 said...

Talk about hitting below the belt, kicking a guy when he's down, throwing straw on camels' backs ...

In other news, if you keep up these sick workouts of yours, Jude may need to reassess his estimation of Ryan Todds he could take if trapped in a hallway before succumbing to a death most grizzly and gruesome.

dusty.rhodes said...

seriously with the two of you idiots around, i feel like the slacker...