Saturday, July 11, 2009

CFWoD: 07-11-09

Unofficial Warm-up:
Helping my pops-in-law load up his trailer with 2x6s.

CFWoD for July 11th, 2009:
10 rounds for time of:
3 x L-Pull-ups
5 x Strict Pull-ups
7 x Kipping Pull-ups
Total Time: 32:08

(Rds 1-3: standard grip, 4-5: hybrid grip, 6-7: chin-up grip, 8: standard, 9: hybrid, 10: chin-up)

1 comment:

-89 said...

NB - I did not follow the official rules where 'going to ground' or releasing the bar ends the set. I took plenty o' rest whenever I needed it.