Saturday, December 26, 2009

Cabin Fever

Over the course of a busy day with family and friends, I threw in a round of the following circuit whenever the opportunity presented itself:

Cabin Fever Circuit:
20 x Push-ups
20 x Crunches
20 x Squats
Total for the day: 11 rounds

1 comment:

wix said...

If I had time to make a comic from this post, I would. Maybe tomorrow.

Sample dialogue:

"Wow, a toolbelt?! What a great present! I'm gonna fill it with weights and do a circuit."

"Jonathan, prithee remove the Christmas goose from the oven. My hands art full."
"'kay, but only if I get to do a circuit with it."

"What're you doing, Uncle J?"
"I'm appreciating the Christmas tree lights from a moving perspective. That's why I keep standing up and sitting down on this imaginary chair."

"J, why do you start doing pushups every time I turn my head?"
"Thought I'd combine the circuit with getting open practice."

Happy Holidays, T.Rex :)