Saturday, May 3, 2008

LiveLogic Shootout, Day One

Really quick recap:
Despite getting in rather late (early?) last night (this morning?) I felt pretty good going into this tournament. We started our day out with a nice win against Dallas' Grit, then got pretty well whooped by Toronto's Goat, rebounded to take Boulder's Johnny Bravo to 13-11ish, and then finished of the day in a sloppy game with half of Austin's Doublewide in which we dug ourselves a large hole before climbing our way out and eventually winning by a fair margin.

I felt good throughout the day with the exception of the last third of the Johnny Bravo game, at which time I began cramping really badly. I really need to pay more attention to diet and hydration during the day, especially when our numbers our low and I'm playing a lot points in succession. I was able to get some nutrients in me and to work out the cramps such that I felt fine in the last game of the day. Cramping up like that was embarrassing and disappointing, but at least I was able to rebound quickly and compete after giving my body the fuel it needed.

After that, we headed to Barton Springs to recuperate and to Billy's BBQ & Brew Pub to refuel. At this point, Mel and I split off from the team and went to a Del Castillo concert in downtown Austin with my brother and my two nephews. It made for a really late night, but goddamn, that show was AWESOME!

Total Workout:
4 games of Ultimate
1 swim at Barton Springs
1 meal at Billy's BBQ & Brew Pub
1 awesome show at Antone's

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