Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Filthy 50


5:00 @ 8.5 mph
Active Stretching

Filthy 50 for time:

50 x Box jumps w/ 18-inch box
50 x Jump pull-ups
50 x Kettlebell swings w/ 25lb bell
50/leg x Lunges
50 x K2Es
50 x Push-press, 35lb bar
50 x Back extensions
50 x Wall balls
50 x Burpees
50 x Kangaroo (Tuck) jumps
Total Time: 17:08

Compare to 03-24-09 (:12 slower than my fastest time, but with 25lb KB instead of 16KB.)

1:00 holding Tuck Planche ( :17, :15, :11, :18) - :18 is a PR.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Row 5K

8:00 Elliptical Machine
Active Stretching

CFWoD for 12/29/09:
Row 5K
Total Time: 20:41

Monday, December 28, 2009

Tabata Workout

5:00 Elliptical Machine
Active Stretching

Tabata Sets:
Thrusters w/ 15lb dumbbells:
13, 12, 12, 11, 9, 9, 9, 9

@ 10mph and 7% incline

14, 13, 11, 11, 10, 11, 9, 13

Box Jumps:
22, 20, 19, 16, 13, 12, 15, 22

Russian Twists w/ 25lb plate:
16, 16, 16, 12, 12, 13, 12, 15

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Cabin Fever

Over the course of a busy day with family and friends, I threw in a round of the following circuit whenever the opportunity presented itself:

Cabin Fever Circuit:
20 x Push-ups
20 x Crunches
20 x Squats
Total for the day: 11 rounds

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Barefoot Circuit

Active Stretching

Barefoot Circuit for time:
2 rounds of:
10 x Burpees
10 x Crunches
10 x Pull-ups
10 x Squats
10 x Newspaper Leg Lifts
10 x Mahlers
10 x Newspaper Leg Lifts
10 x Push-ups
10 x Crunches
10 x K2Es
Total Time: 10:04

Monday, December 21, 2009

Deadlifts and HS Push-ups

1 mile @ 8.5 mph
Active Stretching

CFWoD for 12/21/2009:
21-15-9 for time:
Deadlifts @ 175lbs
Handstand Push-ups
Total Time: 7:57

5 x Suicides w/ 1:00 rest bet each

4:00 Exercise Bike

Sunday, December 20, 2009


While I didn't do anything that I'd consider a workout proper over the weekend, I try to never be truly idle.  Usually I don't bother putting this stuff down, byt for the sake of filling out a light month, here are some quick ramblings.  Exercise this weekend included but isn't limited to:

  • continued work on the front lever and planche (I dedicate a few minutes every night to this little endeavor)
  • DDR dance-off with the neighbors
  • single-leg squats
  • dips 
  • push-ups
  • pull-ups
  • crunches
  • super leg-lifts (where you lift your legs all the way up and over until your toes touch the floor over your head)
  • shoveling snow (left fore-arm isn't pleased about that)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tabata Workout

100 x Jumping Jacks
Active Stretching

Tabata Sets:
Push-ups, hands out wide:
33, 33, 25, 16, 18, 13, 12, 11

Jump Pull-ups:
32, 34, 34, 35, 32, 33, 33, 35

Front Squats w/ 5' bar:
13, 11, 11, 9, 8, 8, 7, 8

Inclined Sit-ups:
12, 11, 11, 11, 11, 10, 10, 10

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Pull-ups & Handstand Push-ups

5:00 Rowing Machine
Active Stretching

CFWoD for 12/16/2009:
For time:
21 Pull-ups (strict)
21 Handstand Push-ups
18 Pull-ups (strict)
18 Handstand Push-ups
15 Pull-ups (kipping)
15 Handstand Push-ups
12 Pull-ups (kipping)
12 Handstand Push-ups
9 Pull-ups (kipping)
9 Handstand Push-ups
6 Pull-ups (kipping)
6 Handstand Push-ups
3 Pull-ups (strict)
3 Handstand Push-ups
Total Time: 19:15

(The push-ups definitely got shallower as time went by but I'm happy I was able to crank out the last 3 strict pull-ups.)

5:00 Elliptical Machine

Monday, December 14, 2009

Turkish Get-ups and Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

1 mile @ 8.5mph
Active Stretching

CFWoD for Dec. 13th, 2009:

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 min of:
50 x Sumo Deadlift, High-pull w/ standard bar
26 x Turkish Get-ups w/ 25lb Kettlebell (alt. arms)
Total Completed: 1 round + 50 x SDHPs + 16 x TGUs

:30 holding Tuck Planche (:12, :10, :6, :2)
1:00 holding "Frog Stand" Planche
1:00 holding Front Tuck Lever

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Mel, JR, and I headed down to PA, after a brief layover in Princeton to kidnap Raph, for some Ultisquash.  Had a lot of fun, got in a good workout, and survived mostly unscathed. 

Friday, December 11, 2009

CF Gymnastics Training

10:00 Elliptical Machine (the little s#*ts managed to break _both_ treadmills since Wed.)
Active Stretching

CFWoD for Dec 11th, 2009
Complete five rounds of:
7 x From a bar, lower yourself, from an inverted hang in tuck position, slowly, with straight arms (demo clip)
15 x Plyo Clap Push-ups

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Lumberjack 20

10:00 Exercise Bike
Active Stretching

Lumberjack 20 (scaled down a bit):
20 x Deadlifts @ 155lbs
Run 1:00 @ 10mph
20/arm x Single-arm Kettlebell Swings @ 25lbs
Run 1:00 @ 10mph
20 x Overhead Squats @ 55lbs
Run 1:00 @ 10mph
20 x Burpees
Run 1:00 @ 10mph
20 x Pull-ups
Run 1:00 @ 10mph
20 x Box-Jumps
Run 1:00 @ 10mph
20 x Dumbbell cleans w/ 25lb dumbbells
Run 1:00 @ 10mph
Total Time: 31:10

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Baby Hill Sprints & Muscle-ups

5:40 Run

10 x Hill Sprints (9:32)

1:17 Run

11 x Muscle-ups (7+4)

3:24 Run

Monday, December 7, 2009

Split Jerks, etc

1 mile @ 8.5mph
Active Stretching

Split Jerks:
10 x empty bar to work on form
5 x 85lbs
5 x 95lbs
5 x 105lbs
1 x 115lbs
1 x 125lbs
1 x 135lbs
1 x 135lbs
1 x 145lbs
1 x 145lbs
1 x 155lbs

(I was confused on the exercise terminology.  Technically, I did split snatches up to 145lbs.  145 was too heavy for me to snatch so at that point I did jerks.)

5:00 Exercise Bike

10 x Pull-ups w/ 25lb vest
10 x Chin-ups 2 /25lb vest

2 x 1:15 holding Frog Stand Planche
1 x 1:00 holding Tuck Front Lever

50 x Inclined Sit-ups

25/side x Standing Russian Twist w/ Medicine Ball

Friday, December 4, 2009

Rowing, Back Extensions & Sit-ups

5:00 Exercise Bike
Active Stretching

CFWoD for December 4th, 2009:
Row 1000 meters
Then 21-15-9 reps of:
GHD Situps
Back Extensions
Total Time: 12:50

2:00 Holding "Frog Stand" Planche (2 x 1:00)

1:00 Holding Front Lever Tuck (:40+:20)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

1/2 Miles and Power Cleans

Active Stretching
Burgener Warm-up ( explanation | demo )

CFWoD for December 12th, 2009:
Complete 3 rounds for time of:
Run 1/2 Mile @ 9 mph
21 x Power Cleans @ 105lbs
Total Time: 25:00 (6:45 + 8:15 + 10:00)

1:00 holding "Frog Stand" Planche (:30 + :20 + :10)

1:00 holding Front Lever Tuck (:20 + :20 + :10 + :10)

7:00 Exercise Bike

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thrusters & Pull-ups

1 mile @ 8.5 mph
Active Stretching

15-12-9 for time:
Thrusters, right arm w/ 35lb dumbbell
Thrusters, left arm w/ 35lb dumbbell
Pull-ups w/ 25lb weight vest
Total time: ~15:00

1:00 holding "frog stand" planche (:35 + :25)

:10 holding front lever tuck (2 x :5 [abs cramped up on this one = FAIL])

40 x Dips (35 + 5)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Old Fashioned Ass Whooping


8:00 Rowing Machine
Active Stretching

Old Fashioned Ass Whooping:

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
1 x 140 yard suicide (cones at 8 yds, 14 yds, 20 yds, 28 yds)
10 x push-ups
20 x body-weight squats

Total rounds completed: 14

Sunday, November 29, 2009


10 x Burpees
20 x L-Pull-ups (10 standard, 10 hybrid)
2 x Super-slow pull-ups
50 x Squats
10 x Chin-ups
50 x Push-ups
100 x Crunches
30/leg x Single-leg squats

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Durango Boot

Quite a few ghosts from Pike past showed in Brumfis for some throwing in the wind and a couple of hours of Durango Boot to whet our appetites for Ethiopian food.  Der Ãœber team was kind enough to give lessons on how the game is meant to be played and fun was had by most.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Baby Hill Sprints & Muscle-ups

Jamie & my post-Thanksgiving workout:

5:47 Run

10 x Hill Sprints (9:09)

1:20 Run

10 x Muscle-ups (7+3)

3:27 Run

Monday, November 23, 2009

Burpees, Squats, Etc.

3/4 mile @ 8.5mph
1/4 mile @ 10mph
Active Stretching

Burpees & Squats:
Complete as may rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 x Burpees
20 x Prisoner Squats
Total Rounds: 14

6:00 Exercise Bike

Pull-ups w/ 25lb weight vest:

Russian Twists w/ 25lb plate
3 x 20

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Baby Joggin'

Jamie and I ran into Edison and back, with a quick stop at the playground.

15:05 run
3 sets of 10 x Ring Pull-ups
4:40 run

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Baby Hill Sprints, etc.

I busted out the jogging stroller and headed out with Jamie, my official trainer, for some running and a quick circuit at the local playground.  It went a little like this:

5:15 Run

10 x Hill Sprints (10:21)

1:31 Run

Playground Circuit:
3 rounds of:
5 x Muscle-ups
25 x Push-ups w/ feet on park bench
25 x Crunchs
Total Time: 11:03

3:39 Run

Friday, November 20, 2009

Deadlifts and Pull-ups

1 mile @ 8.5 mph
Active Stretching

5 x 125lbs
1 x 195lbs
5 x 175lbs
5 x 185lbs
1 x 195lbs
1 x 205lbs
1 x 215lbs
1 x 225lbs
1 x 235lbs
1 x 245lbs
1 x 255lbs

Pull-ups w/ 25lb weight vest:
3 sets of 10 reps

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


5:00 Elliptical
Active Stretching


21-15-9 reps for time of:
Clean 105 pounds
Total Time: 7:28

5:00 Exercise Bike

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


10:00 Elliptical Machine
Active Stretching

21-15-9 for time:
95lb Thruster
Total Time: 10:04

5:00 Exercise Bike

Monday, November 16, 2009


1 mile @ 8.5 mph
Active Stretching

For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
Total Time: 21:34

5:00 Elliptical Machine

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Baby Joggin'

Jamie and I went for another run today through the neighborhood and clocked another 22:00 minutes.

Afterward, I through in the following for some quick strength training:

Mini Iron Gym Circuit:
3 Rounds of:
5 x Slow Push-ups
5 x Dips
5 x L Pull-ups (standard, hybrid, chin-up grips)

50 x Swiss Ball Crunches

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Baby Joggin'

ME, JR, and I went for a jog through Highland Park on this drizzly fall day.  I kept it at a moderate pace and ran for a leisurely 24:05 and then finished things up with 50 push-ups with my feet up on the front stoop. 

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Clean and Press


6:25 Mile
Active Stretching

Clean and Press:

With a continuously running clock do one 85 pound Clean and Press the first minute, two 85 pound Clean and Presses the second minute, three 85 pound Clean and Presses the third minute... continuing as long as you are able. Use as many sets each minute as needed.
Total minutes completed: 10:00

Tabata Treadmill
:20 work, :10 rest @ 10mph, 7% incline

7:00 Exercise Bike

Static Stretching

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


1 mile @ 8.5 mph
Active Stretching 

CF's "Mary"
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 x Handstand Push-ups
10 x One legged squats, alternating
15 x Pull-ups
Total Rounds: 8

50 x Inclined Sit-ups

25 x Back Extensions

5:00 Exercise Bike

Sunday, November 8, 2009

PADA Mosh, Day 2

The weather today was even better than yesterday's! 

We rolled up to the polo fields for our 11am start against Bagger Noo, featuring such Pikes as Leon and Cuatro.  It was a fun game and we managed to come out on top.  Semis pitted us against what I assume was a NY based team, though I only say that because Joe Smash was playing with them.  They played well and consistently and won by a couple of breaks in the end.  What can I say?  It was fun while it lasted.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

PADA Mosh, Day 1

Johnny Handblock was back again with a bunch of the usual suspects and a couple of new faces and even a few old faces in new places.  Saturday wasn't too much of a challenge as we all enjoyed the beautiful weather and rolled through our 3 pool play games.

Afterwards, we went out with some old friends to Hank's Place were we gorged ourselves on the local cuisine, most notably the D-licious Mushroom Strudel. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Snatches, Squats and Treadmill

100 x Jumping Jacks
Active Stretching

CFWoD for 11/02/09:
5 Rounds for time of:
3 x 55lb Snatch
15 x 55lb Overhead Squat
400m (1:30 @ 10mph)
Total Time: 20:30

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


10:00 Elliptical Machine
Active Stretching

Modified "Nate"
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
4 x Pull-ups
4 x Dips
4 x Hand-stand Push-ups
8 x 25lb Kettlebell Swings
Total Rounds: 14

6:00 Exercise Bike

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Nationals, Day 3

Saturday morning saw us in the bottom bracket and we faced off against Chicago's Machine.  We lead for most of the game, until the wheels fell off and we finally gave it away 11-15 or so.  This was definitely a hard loss, especially for me since I had a drop on game point.  After that we played a rematch with Streetgang and this time, we couldn't pull it out.  The cruised to a pretty easy victory as we just couldn't seem to get anything positive going.

So, we came in last and went out last, which is a little disappointing because we definitely could've won a few more games over the course of the weekend.  Still, it's exciting that we went in with such a young team (and 16 Nationals rookies) and were able to compete.  Pike will be scary-good in the near future.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Nationals, Day 2

After going 0- on day 1, we dropped into one of the lower pools and carried our loss to Goat with us.  We were dispatched fairly easily by Bhodi in game 1, but managed to get our first and only win in our second game versus Streetgang.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Nationals, Day 1

Pike went 0-3 on the day, starting things off by battling Goat to 12-15.  When then got rolled by Revolver, and ended the day with a strong game vs Truck Stop who beat us 11-15. 

Monday, October 26, 2009

Toothsome Twenty

I wasn't planning on doing any workouts this week, but a being sick all of last week changed things.  Today's goal was to get the heart rate up a bit, fire up the fast twitch muscles, loosen up some of the phlegm in my chest, and shut er down.


3/4 mile @ 8.5 mph
1/4 mile @ 10 mph
Active Stretching

Toothsome Twenty for time:

20 Box Jumps w/ 18-inch box
20 Jump Pull-ups
20 Kettleball Swings w/ 25lb ball
20 Lunges per leg (stationary lunges)
20 Knees-to-Elbows
20 Push-Press w/ standard bar
20 Back Extensions
20 Wall Balls

20 Burpees
20 Kangaroo Jumps

Total Time: 6:27


8:00 Exercise Bike
More stretching

Friday, October 23, 2009

¡Vaya mierda!

So my carefully scripted plan of workouts designed to get me to peak condition for next week has taken a back seat to the consumption of copious amounts of Vitamin C, electrolytes, and enough fluids to drown a medium-sized horse.  With some luck, hopefully I can shake this nasty little cold before heading to Sarasota.  If not, well, adrenaline is a far more effective than NyQuil anyway.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sumo Deadlifts, Pull-ups and Dips


8:00 Rowing Machine
Active Stretching

CFWoD "Tyler":
5 rounds of:

10 x Pull-ups
10 x Dips
Sumo-Deadlift High-Pull (21x, 18x, 15x, 12x, 9x), 85lbs

50 x Inclined Sit-ups

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pike Practice

Sunday morning practice: 8 AM, in the cold and rain. Yee-haw!

Oddly enough, I felt much better today. Guess my legs finally recovered enough to move a little bit.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pike Practice

Jake and I headed to Philly on this cold and rainy Saturday for a morning practice and an early afternoon scrimmage vs. OLD SAG. Thursday's workout definitely weighed heavily on my legs as, well, they felt like lead weights were tied to them. The ole posterior chain definitely got some work this week.

Anyway, practice began with a hour or so of Mini in the muck, followed by some game play, and drills designed to help throwers and cutters make better use of open space. A little after noon, Pike and SAG squared off in the sloppy conditions for a pretty tight game which we took 15-13 or so.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hang Squat Cleans and Push-ups

10:00 Rowing Machine
Active Stretching

CFWoD for 10/15/09:
Five rounds of:
15 x Hang Squat Clean @ 55lbs
30 x Push-ups

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Baby Hill Sprints

6:50 Run

10 x ~50m Hill Sprints pushing the baby jogger (11:36)

1:25 walking rest

4:35 Run

Thrusters & Pull-ups

1 mile @ 8.5 mph (yay, treadmill is [mostly] fixed)
Active Stretching

CFWoD "Fran":
21-15-9 for time:
Thrusters w/ 25lb Dumbbells
Total time: 8:21

10:00 Elliptical Machine

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Just a quickie before bed...

8 x 30 Crunches, various positions

50 x Push-ups, wide

20 x body-weight Goodmornings

20 x Standing Crunches

15 x K2Es

25/leg Single-leg Squats

50 x body-weight Squats

Monday, October 12, 2009

80s, 40s, Push-ups, Squats & Burpees

6:06 Run
Active Stretching

80s Circuit:
2 x 80m sprint, 25 x Push-ups, 25 x Prisoner Squats
2 x 80m sprint, 20 x Push-ups, 20 x Prisoner Squats
2 x 80m sprint, 15 x Push-ups, 15 x Prisoner Squats
2 x 80m sprint, 10 x Push-ups, 10 x Prisoner Squats
2 x 80m sprint, 5 x Push-ups, 5 x Prisoner Squats
Total Time: 11:09

5:00 walking rest

40s Circuit:

5 x 40m sprint, 5 x Burpees
Total Time: 2:56

2:00 walking rest
3:05 Run

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pike Practice

I took leave from the family and headed to Philly for our first October practice. Numbers were a little low, but we got in a lot of solid work on our defensive looks (both for the O and for the D lines) and tweaked a few things from Regionals that needed work. The morning was windy and drizzly which made for perfect practice conditions.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Baby Hill Sprints

Mel and I headed out into the fall night to run a few hills with Jamie Rose bundled up in the jogging stroller.

6:36 Run

10 x ~50m Hill Sprints pushing the baby jogger

11 x Muscle-ups at the play ground (5, 4, 2 reps)

10 x Pull-ups

3:48 Run

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Red Fish Run

8:49 Run
Active Stretching

Tabata Sprints:
10 x :20 sprint, :10 rest

10 x jog 40m, sprint 40m, (3:41)
4:00 Run

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Regionals, Day 2

We started off with a win over X-Rates before coming out flat and getting jumped on again by LOS. The O had a few mistakes, but it was the D that couldn't get the job done in this game coming up with 0 breaks in the game. We bounced back from that with another solid win over X-Rates and set off to watch the end of the 3rd place game. LOS took Ring to double game point before falling.

There was some confusion as to whether we'd play for 3rd, but we did, and we won, which resulted in a whole lot of controversy a couple of days later. Check out RSD for all you can read on that. As for the game itself, the D went out on a mission, changing up our strategy and playing a defense we hadn't played much all year in order to try to slow LOS down. Jeff George gets the credit for this one, because it worked and really seemed to confound the LOS deep game which had killed us earlier in the tournament. I should also mention that we were missing two D starters due to injury (Leon with a broken nose & Raph with a stress fracture in his tibia).

The O ground it out all game and played smart and consistent, eliminating the unforced errors that haunted them in our previous match-ups. In the end, we held out longer and took the 3rd bid 15-11.

I truly feel for LOS. As it turns out, they could have opted out of that game and gone to Nationals by default. Not sure I agree with the obscure forfeit rule, but it was there and they could've implemented it and gone. They must hate us for ending their season in heart breaking fashion yet again, but they're a great team and played their hearts out this weekend.

For the record, I think Regionals should be played like an Olympic bracket. You make it to the gold medal game, you earn at least silver, and the two semis losers fight it out for the bronze.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Regionals, Day 1

Pike went 3-1 on the day with wins over Wilmington, Philly Love, and Medicine Men and a tough loss to Los.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Spring Lake in Fall

The family and I headed down to Spring Lake this afternoon to meet up with the Ghosts of Pike Past. There was much shenanigation involving a lot of throwing on the beach and a laid back game Mr. Nips - a more perfect pre-Regionals workout would truly be hard to find.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I met up with Walt and Vlad for some short speed work and some throwing.

1/2 mile
Active Stretching

Flying 25s:
3 x 50m Accelerators
3 x 25m
3 x 50m
3 x 75m

30:00 Throwing

Monday, September 28, 2009

Half-Filthy 50

10:00 Elliptical Machine
Active Stretching

Half-Filthy 50 for time:
25 Box Jumps w/ 18-inch box
25 Jump Pull-ups
25 Kettleball Swings w/ 25lb ball
25 Lunges per leg (stationary lunges)
25 Knees-to-Elbows
25 Push-Press w/ standard bar
25 Back Extensions
25 Wall Balls
25 Burpees
25 Kangaroo Jumps
Total Time: 6:35

10:00 Exercise Bike

Long, Slow Stretching

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Jamaal Circuit

8:00 Rowing Machine
Active Stretching

Jamaal Circuit:
3 rounds for time of:
10/leg x reverse over-head split squat w/ full twist using standard bar
10 x Push-ups w/ feet on bench
10/leg x Plyo Box March
10 x Pull-ups
10 x Kettle-bell swings, 25lb KB
10 x Box Jumps
10 x Standing Russian Twists w/ medicine ball
10 x Front Squats w/ vertical medicine ball toss
10/side x lateral bounds w/ 15lb dumbbell
10 x Superman back extensions
Total time: 19:08

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

HP ETC: Red Fish Run

Mel, Jamie, and I headed to the track for a quick workout. We loaded Jamie up in her Jogger so she could get some work in too.

1 mile, pushing Jamie
Active Stretching

Tabata Sprints, pushing Jamie:
10 x :15 sprint, :10 rest
(I think I did 11, but I wasn't sure so I did an extra.)

10 x jog 50m, sprint 50m, sans Jamie

It's actually quite strange trying to sprint without using your arms at all! Who knew? The nice thing was that when use of my arms was returned in the 50/50s, I felt like I was flying.

(insert jokes about short arms here)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Founders' Sectionals, Day 2

Pike faced off against some old friends in the first round of the day and after defeating them, took out some cape-crusaders from Franklin and Marshall. After that, it was up the hill to cheer on Roots of Rhythm since Pike could only make the finals if Roots beat Swagger and forced a three-way tie (our +7 point differential would be enough to win us the pool). The game ended up being a battle, but the Roots D eventually wore down Swagger and Roots took the game 13-10.

Whew! Undeservedly perhaps, Pike had new life and headed off the finals to face Pittsburgh's Forge. We weren't about to, as JG put it, anger the frisbee gods by squandering the chance that Roots had provided us and so we fired up and came out hard against Forge. A bit over eager, we faltered a little bit early on, falling behind 3-1, before all cylinders began firing and we took half 8-4 and never looked back. The D was fierce and the O was methodical and Pike showed for the first time this season, exactly the kind of game we can play. In the end, we took back the Section with a 15-7 victory.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Founders' Sectionals, Day 1

Pike started off shaky with an ugly loss to Swagger (Pittsburgh's B Team), but quickly righted the ship and ran off dominating wins against Roots of Rhythm, Penn State, and FFF to close out the day.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Light Gym

12:00 Elliptical Machine
Active Stretching
20 x Bench Press w/ 40lb Dumbells
20/leg x Reverse Lunges
10/side x Corkscrew w/ 25lb plate
1:00 Push-ups (82 reps)
10 x Slow Chin-ups
3:00 Balance Master

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Walt, Mel (and JR!) and I were back at the HP track tonight. Unfortunately, JR had a melt-down which demanded Mel's attention and cut things a little short, but Walt and I were able to get in a bunch of suicides and some quality throwing before the night was done.

1/2 mile
Active Stretching

Pike Workout for the week of 9/14 (modified a bit):

4 x 120m suicides (0-15-0-25-0-40), 1:15 Throwing 25 yards.
6 x 80m suicides (0-15-0-25-0), 1:00 Throwing 40 yards

25 Supermans

15:00 of throwing with improvised cutting on half a football field.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuck Jumps and Sit-ups

8:00 Exercise Bike
Active Stretching

CFWoD "Annie"
50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:
Tuck Jumps
Inclined Sit-ups
Total Time: 9:19

8:00 Elliptical Machine

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pike Practice & LBI

Spent the morning at Pike Practice from 8-12pm and the afternoon and evening at Long Beach Island, riding waves, getting pounded by the surf, and throwing un montón on the beach.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Get UPs.

9:00 Elliptical Machine
Active Stretching

CFWoD for September 11, 2009
5 rounds for time of:
20 x Pull-ups
30 x Push-ups
40 x Sit-ups
50 x Squats
Total Time: 26:34

5:00 Exercise Bike

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Mary Ellen is awesome. She agreed to come out to the track and throw discs to me despite the cold and the rain and the fact that she's under doctor's orders not to do any running.

2:59 1/2 mile
Active Stretching

Pike Workout of the Week:

5 X Through Square Drill 1:

L i n e



(Sides of square are 20 yards)

A->D (Sideshuffle)
D->B (Sprint through Disc thrown from line to B- person who just ran throws)
B->C (Sideshuffle)
C->A (Sprint through disc thrown from line to A- person who just ran throws)

1min throwing, 20 yards. Minimize Time of Possession.

5X Through Square Drill 2:

L i n e



(Sides of square are 20 yards)

A->C (Backwards)
C->B (Sprint through Disc thrown from line to B-person who just ran throws)
B->D (Backwards)
D->A (Sprint through Disc thrown from line to A- person who just ran throws)

1 min throwing, 40 yards. Minimize Time of Possession.

4 rounds of:
:30 rest
1:45 Throwing

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Weight-Vest Lunges, Jumps, & Pull-ups

12:00 Elliptical Machine
Active Stretching

CFWoD for 09/09/09
4 rounds of the following while wearing a 25lb weight-vest:
30/leg x lunge
30 x 18" box jump
15 x Pull-ups

9:00 Exercise Bike

Monday, September 7, 2009

Stability Work, etc

I spent a good hour performing various exercises to target balance and proprioception (thanks Raph). Basically, this involved a lot of squats, lunges, and heel raises on both one and two legs. Unfortunately, I didn't write down exactly what I did and I've now forgotten. You'd be surprised at how tiring this stuff can be.

When I was done, I finished things off with a quick circuit with my trusty Iron Gym.
10 x Pull-ups
10 x Mahlers
10 x L Pull-ups
50 x Iron Gym Push-ups

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Pike Practice

Raph and I headed to Philly for a 3 hour practice starting at 8am.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


1/2 mile run
Active Stretching

Team Workout for the week of 9/1:
2 x (100m, 20 burpees, 60 sec QuickToss @ 20 yards.)
3 x (80m, 10 x one-handed pushups, 60 sec Hammers/Blades @ 30 yards)
5 x (60m, 10 burpees, 45 sec Throwing @ 40 yards)
3 x (40m, w/ D reaction)
25 x Supermans
25 x DownDog Pushups
3 x (40m, w/ D reaction)

Unfortunately, we were running very late and had to speed things up at the end. Still, it was a solid effort overall.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Witch's Brew & Agility

12:00 Elliptical Machine
Active Stretching

Witch's Brew (from RunJumpLift):
4 rounds of:
4 x Deadlifts
4 x Hanging Cleans
4 x Front Squats
4 x Push Press
4 x Clean & Press/Jerks
Rd 1: 85lbs, Rd 2: 105lbs, Rd 3: 125lbs, Rd 4: 115lbs

Tabata Agility Bounds:

11, 12, 12, 10, 13, 13, 12, 11

9:00 Exercise Bike

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Iron Gym Circuit

Iron Gym Circuit:
6 sets of:
5 x Pull-ups (sets 1,4,7,10 regular, 2,5,8 hybrid, and 3,6,9 chin-ups)
10 x Push-ups
10 x Dips
10 x Swiss Ball Sit-ups

Just a little something before bed while JR was eating dinner.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Chesapeake Open, Day 2

Pike went 2-1 on the day with a convincing win over Medicine Men, a double game point win over Sons of Liberty in the quarters, and a double game point loss to Tennessee in the semis.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Chesapeake Open, Day 1

Pike went 3-1 in the Open Division at Chesapeake with convincing wins over Eastern Motors, Colt 45, and X-Rates and a disappointing double game point loss to Grit.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Just off the plane from Portland, Raph and Mere came up to HP to get in some baby time, a solid workout at the HP track, and some tastilicious Greek food from Pithari.

The workout was handed down from Ironside via Trey (a concept that still bothers me since I'm pretty sure Trey never followed any of the track plans I used to send out for Pike [meow!]). All whining aside, it was a pretty solid speed workout and it was fun to get the legs going a bit pre-Chesapeake. I also find it amusing that I had just told a friend earlier that day that I don't do track workouts any more since I've found I get more out of Crossfit-style circuit training.

Anyway, the workout was as follows:

2 laps of jog 100, stride 100
Active Stretching
Workout Proper:
1 x 4 reps Quick Agility Drill (sprint 5m, side-shuffle 5m, back pedal 5m, side-shuffle 5m, sprint 10m): 15 secs rest between reps
3 minutes break

1 x 4 reps of 100 m: 60 secs rest between reps
3 minutes break

2 x 6 reps of 70 m: 30 secs rest between reps; 3 min between sets
5 minute break

3 x 5 reps of 25 m: 15 secs rest between reps; 45 secs between sets
3 minute break

2 x 6 reps of 70 m: 30 secs rest between reps; 3 min between sets
3 minute break

1 x 4 reps of 100 m: 60 secs rest between reps

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Half-Filthy 50

10:00 Exercise Bike
Active Stretching

Half-Filthy 50 for time:
25 Box Jumps w/ 18-inch box
25 Jump Pull-ups
25 Kettleball Swings w/ 25lb ball
25 Lunges per leg (stationary lunges)
25 Knees-to-Elbows
25 Push-Press w/ standard bar
25 Back Extensions
25 Wall Balls
25 Burpees
25 Kangaroo Jumps
Total Time: 8:21

8:00 Elliptical Machine

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Pike Practice

Practice at Mercer from 8am-12pm. Post-practice Chili's Chillout.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Active Stretching

CFWoD for August 20th, 2009:
For time:
150 x Wallballs, 20lb ball
Total Time: 8:23

8:00 Elliptical Machine

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tabata Workout

6:00 Exercise Bike
Active Stretching

Tabata Sets:
Elliptical Machine:
8 x :20 sprinting, :10 slow
Overhead Squats w/ 5' bar:
16, 16, 17, 14, 12, 12, 11, 11
Chuck Kellers:
14, 13.5, 12.5, 11.5, 12, 12, 12.5, 13.5
Inclined Sit-ups:
16, 14, 14, 11, 10, 10, 11, 11

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pull-ups, Dips, Burpees

5:00 Exercise Bike
Active Stretching

Circuit Workout:

5 rounds for time of:
21 x Pull-ups
21 x Dips
21 x Burpees
Total Time: 33:45
(NB - I broke the pull-ups and dips down into 1 set of 5 and 4 sets of 4, alternating pull-ups and dips [5 pull-ups, 5 dips, 4 pull-ups, 4 dips... etc.])

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Pike Practice

It's August and Pike's now going full swing. The Jake and I again schlepped to Philly for an 8am start time and once again we all did work in the blazing sun. Today's practice was focused more on application and execution and we did a lot more live play than yesterday.

Practice ran 8am-12pm. Although Ellis attempted to distract us, the Jake and I once again rocked Chipotle in North Brunswick.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Pike Practice

The Jake and I rode down to Philly for the first Pike practice in what seems like eons. Overall numbers were a little less than I would've hoped for, but we got in a lot of important work in the August heat. This is the part of the season were things get more fun as the roster is now fully set and we can truly focus on team-level strategies.

Without going into much detail, I'll just say that it was great to back on the field with my boys once again. And the post-practice Chipotle burrito run was primo.

Practice ran 9am-2pm.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

MCUDL A-League Finals, Game 3

¡Los Campeones!

After another afternoon nap and my second RockStar energy drink I, and the rest of the Stick roster, was pumped for Game 3. We came out even stronger than last night and fought through the first half to earn an impressive 8-3 lead. After the fight Root's gave us last night, we came out in the second half fiercely determined to expand our lead, not taking anything for granted.

While they were able to right the ship a little bit and played much better in the second period, our patient O and aggressive D were too much to overcome and we won game 3 by a 15-8 tally.

Big Stick, 2009 Mercer A-League Champions

Standing: Peyton Jackson, Michael Jackson, Mike Auld, Matt Wilson, Walt Kalicki, Len Magargee, Pete Reavey, Pete "Crash" Gyori, Tom Barry, J Dono
Kneeling: Clayton Coltman, Brad Bellinger, Billy Maroon, Min Yi, Angus Pacala

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

MCUDL A-League Finals, Game 2

With our backs against the wall in Game 2, Big Stick game out ready to play and stormed out to take half 8-4. (On a personal note, I made sure to take a nap this afternoon and choked down a RockStar on the way to the fields.) Confident in the victory, we started the half with another break before the wheels came off and Roots began to rally.

What started off as a blow-out, quickly became the second dog-fight of the final series. Roots fought back to get on serve, though we were still on the plus side. At 15-14, we got a turn and worked it up to the endzone only to turn it over on a miscue mere yards from a victory. That sparked a Roots mini-run and they ran off the next two points putting the score at 16-15, hard to 17. I wish I could say I remembered the details, but with our backs against the wall, we were able to grind out two turns and two conversions to steal the game 17-16 and force a decisive game 3 tomorrow night.

Monday, August 10, 2009

MCUDL A-League Finals, Game 1

A re-match of the last 2 years, A-League finals pits Big Stick against Roots of Rhythm. I gotta say, I was exhausted for this game after a few days of fatherhood and the resultant lack of sleep. Notwithstanding, Stick played well and managed to stay a break up for the entire game. That is until 15-14 when we stalled and Roots surged and ended up stealing the game in OT 17-15.

Huge apologies to Matt Bode, whom I crushed on a poorly executed layout bid on an in-cut. On a relatively tight pass, I keyed on the thrower and layed out as the disc was released. Unfortunately, the throw was behind Bode, who quickly cut back to make the catch. Not anticipating his change of direction, I was already committed and airborne and speared him square in the back. A very bad play on my part that I should be experienced enough to avoid. I know he hurt his shoulder pretty badly, but being the warrior he his, he was back on the pitch playing hard in a point or two.

Game 2 of the 3-game series is Wednesday night. Hopefully, we'll have a few more of our big guns out there, and maybe I'll grab a little nap beforehand.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Snertz Workout

6:58 mile
Active Stretching

Snertz Workout for time (detailed explanations):
4 x 100 yard strides
2 x 40 yard grapevines
2 x 40 yard side shuffles
2 x 40 yard high knees
2 x 40 yard butt kickers
2 x 40 yard power skips
30 x push-ups
100 x crunches

4 x 15 ground jumps + 40 yard sprint
4 x 15 tuck jumps + 40 yard sprint
30 x push-ups
100 x crunches

2 x 40 yard lunges w/ full twist
2 x 40 one-legged hops (20 yards/leg)
2 x 10 two-footed forward cone hops
2 x 10 two-footed sideways cone hops
30 x push-ups
100 x crunches

10 x 5-10-5 yard shuttle runs
10 x 40 yard sprints
4 x 100 yard strides
Total time: 27:36

2 minutes off my fastest time, but I guess it's all right considering my lack of sleep and general inactivity for the past few days.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

L & D

I'm a dad!!

Jamie Rose Dono was born 8/5, at 8:17pm and weighs in at 6
pounds, 10.4 ounces and stands at 19 3/4 inches. From start to
finish, the labor took all of 3 hours 17 minutes, barely enough time
to make it to the hospital! So she's already a little speed demon. Mom and baby are both happy and healthy and I'm incredibly proud of both of them!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

MCUDL A League

Semi-finals vs. Rutgers

After a fun Crossfit workout during lunch, I felt like I was running around the field in a weight vest. It wasn't a bad thing for me as it forced me to (attempt to) play smarter and more efficiently since I couldn't just rely on speed to make up for bad decisions. It wasn't my best performance, but it wasn't my worst, and my teammates more than made up for my short-comings. I'm not sure of the final score, but Stick won fairly comfortably.

Next week: finals rematch vs. Roots of Rhythm.

Fight Gone Bad Circuit

7:00 Exercise Bike
Active Stretching

CFWoD for August 4th, 2009:
Fight Gone Bad
3 rounds of:
1:00 Wall-ball (reps: 32, 27, 24)
:15 rest
1:00 Sumo Deadlifts @ 75lbs (reps: 21, 18, 17)
:15 rest
1:00 Box Jump (jumps: 61, 54, 50)
:15 rest
1:00 Push Press @ 75lbs (reps: 21, 17, 23)
:15 rest
1:00 Rowing Machine (pulls: 31, 31, 27)
1:30 rest

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Tabata Sprints & Accelerators

Mel and I headed to the HP track tonight to close out the weekend and burn off some built-up energy.

6:51 mile
Active Stretching

Tabata Sprints:
8 x :20 sprint, :10 rest

10 x jog 50m, sprint 50m

20:00 throwing

CFWoD: 08-02-09

Just a quick WoD for the day. Maybe if the rain holds off, I'll throw in a run later on.

CFWoD for August 2nd, 2009:

Hand-stand Push-ups
Iron Gym Dips
Iron Gym Sit-ups

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pick-up Sprints

Mel and I rolled on over the the HP track tonight so I could get in some light speed work and some throwing pre NY Invite.

6:26 mile
Active Stretching

Pick-up Sprints:
8 x 200m Pick-up sprints (jog 50m, run 50m, sprint 50m, walk 50m)
1200m walk
8 x 100m Pick-up sprints (jog 25m, run 25m, sprint 25m, walk 25m)

I focused on acceleration and top speed, keying in on staying loose and smooth on the transition from run to sprint and just letting it fly. Screw those 5Ks, running fast is FUN!

50 x Push-ups
50 x Crunches

20:00 throwing

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

CFWoD: 07-28-09

9:00 Elliptical Machine
Active Stretching

CFWoD for July 28th, 2009:
With a continuously running clock do one 85 pound Clean and Jerk the first minute, two 85 pound Clean and Jerks the second minute, three 85 pound Clean and Jerks the third minute... continuing as long as you are able. Use as many sets each minute as needed.
Total minutes completed: 10:00

10:00 Exercise Bike

Monday, July 27, 2009

CFWoD: 07-27-09 (Mary)

7:00 Rowing Machine
Active Stretching

CFWoD for July 27th, 2009:
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 One legged squats, alternating
15 Pull-ups
Total Rounds: 7 2/3

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Wildwood Doom, Day 2

What the hell? Day 2 and Syracuse still goes unbeaten? This is unheard of!!

We rolled our last pool play game and then squeaked out a double game point victory in semis after going down 10-13. Unfortunately, 2/3 of us had to leave, so those few who wanted to stick it out for the finals joined forces with the team that we'd just vanquished and set out for victory. However, that's another tale entirely...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wildwood Doom, Day 1

Scooby Doom hit the board walk once again to relive the glory days(?) of the late nineties. And, miracle of miracles, we were actually rather good. Who knew? At the days end, we were 4-0 having had only 1 close game, a double game point squeaker that I'm convinced was only close due us still being at the diner eating bacon 5 minutes past start time. Oops!

In fact, the only game I lost today was the one game I played with the Horned Melons. As Wayne so kindly put it, I'm clearly the Melon's albatross.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

CFWoD: 07-23-09

6:00 Exercise Bike
Active Stretching

CFWoD for July 23rd, 2009
5 rounds of:
12 x deadlift @ 95lbs
9 x hang power clean @ 95lbs
6 x push press @ 95lbs
Total time: 16:48

5:00 Elliptical Machine

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

MCUDL A League

Tonight was the final regular season game of the summer and once again meant a battle for first place between Stick and Roots.

I managed to get to the fields on time today so I was able to get in a decent warm-up and some much needed throwing. My workouts have been great, but I'm hurting for a throwing partner these days. Anyway, tonight's game was a lot of fun. Lot's of aggressive, physical play from both teams kept the game interesting. In the early going, Stick was able to capitalize on several deep miscues by Roots and ended up cruising into half up 8-4.

As per usual, Roots showed nothing but heart and battled back in the second half. They fought to bring the game to within 1 at 11-10, but we were able to grind out a few long points in the dark to get two more breaks after regaining our offensive focus and took the game 15-11(12?).

Lots of fun. I'm looking forward to a finals re-match assuming both teams take care of business in the semis.

CFWoD: 07-21-09

7:00 Rowing Machine
Active Stretching

CFWoD for July 21st, 2009
Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
125lbs, 145, 165, 185, 205, 215, 225

10:00 Elliptical Machine


Monday, July 20, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Deck of Cards

Today's CFWoD was a Filthy 50, one of my faves, but since I don't have easy access to a gym on weekends, I opted for the following:

Deck of Cards:
Spades = Mahlers
Hearts =
Diamonds = Push-ups
Clubs = Squats
Total Time: 18:09

My Draw:
8S, KD, 10C, JC, 3H, 8C, QC,5C, 10S, 6D, 6S, 4H, 5S, 8D, 7D, QH, AH, KS, JS, 3C, AD, 8H, 4S, 9H, 2S, 4C, 7S, 10H, 2C, 2H, 9S, 6C, QD, 7C, 7H, KH, 9D, JD, 4D, QS, 9C, JH, KC, 2D, 6H, AC, 5D, 3S, 10D, 3D, 5H, AC

Friday, July 17, 2009

CFWoD: 07-17-09

I threw on my linen shorts (shout out to Da-weed) and then Vlad and I headed over to Johnson Park to attack today's WoD. Props to Vlad for coming out, working hard, and providing much needed moral support.

17:27 run

CFWoD for July 17th, 2009:
As RX'd:
30 x Muscle-ups for time

As I did it:
23 x Muscle-ups
15 x Jump Muscle-ups
20 x Kipping Pull-ups
20 x Pull-ups on the Parallel Bars
25 x Dips
Total Time: ~40:00

10:30 run
5:00 walk
1:40 hill run

Thursday, July 16, 2009

CFWoD: 07-16-09

8:00 Rowing Machine
Active Stretching

CFWoD for July 16th, 2009
Hang Power Clean: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
105lbs, 125lbs, 145lbs, 155lbs, 165lbs (fail), 165lbs (fail), 155lbs

5 x Weighted Chin-ups, 35lbs
5 x Weighted Dips, 35lbs
10 x Chin-ups
10 x Dips

5:00 Exercise Bike

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

CFWoD: 07-15-09

12:00 Elliptical Machine
Active Stretching

CFWoD for July 15th, 2009
5 rounds for time of:
280m Suicide
15 x Overhead Squat @ 95lbs
Total time: 13:37 (note the 'elite' time!)

10:00 Exercise Bike

50 x Inclined Sit-ups

Monday, July 13, 2009

CFWoD: 07-13-09 plus Suicides

10:00 Elliptical Machine
Active Stretching

CFWoD for July 13th, 2009:
Barbell Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps:
85lbs, 105lbs, 125lbs, 135lbs, 145lbs, 145lbs, 145lbs

5 x 200m suicides, w/ :45 rest
:40, :40, :39, :40, :39

7:00 Exercise Bike

Sunday, July 12, 2009

CFWoD: 07-12-09

CFWoD for July 12, 2009:
5 rounds for time of:
30 x Swiss Ball Sit-ups
25 x Swiss Ball Back Extensions
Total Time: 8:48

Saturday, July 11, 2009

CFWoD: 07-11-09

Unofficial Warm-up:
Helping my pops-in-law load up his trailer with 2x6s.

CFWoD for July 11th, 2009:
10 rounds for time of:
3 x L-Pull-ups
5 x Strict Pull-ups
7 x Kipping Pull-ups
Total Time: 32:08

(Rds 1-3: standard grip, 4-5: hybrid grip, 6-7: chin-up grip, 8: standard, 9: hybrid, 10: chin-up)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

CFWoD: 07-09-09

Quick walk to the park
Active Stretching

CFWod for July 9th, 2009:

Four rounds for time of:
Run 200/200m
50 x Squats
Total time: 9:54
Finished things up with a slower 200/200m and 50 more squats.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

CFWoD: 07-08-09

10:00 Rowing Machine
Active Stretching

Crossfit's WoD for July 8th, 2009
Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
4 x Pull-ups
4 x Dips
4 x Handstand Push-ups
8 x 25 lb Kettlebell swings
Total Reps: 15 3/4

5:00 Elliptical Machine

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

MCUDL A League

Due to my inability to read a schedule (or perhaps due to my unwillingness to check said schedule), I was under the impression that the game was Wednesday night. Unfortunately, so were most of my teammates. At any rate, I made it to tonight's game only to find that my team A. had no subs and B. was down 6-0 to Illuminati! Double Drat!

I scrambled to warm up and jumped on the field to lend my arm to the fight. And while we fought hard and were able to pull within one, our stamina gave out and we ended up falling in the end. I really thought we were going to steal the win, but alas. All in all, it was a very fun game despite the end result.

CFWoD: 07-07-09

8:00 Rowing Machine
Active Stretching

CFWod for July 7th, 2009 (slightly modified)

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 for time:
Front Squat at 75lbs
Inclined Sit-ups
Total Time: 6:36

10:00 Elliptical Machine

Monday, July 6, 2009

Red Fish Run

5:03 Run

Tabata Sprints:
10 x :20 sprint, :10 rest

4:00 walking rest

10 x jog 40 yards, sprint 40 yards
Total Time: 3:53
(focusing on exploding into the sprint)

2:00 walking rest

3:19 Run

Friday, July 3, 2009

Snertz Workout

7:03 mile
Active Stretching

Snertz Workout for time (detailed explanations):
4 x 100 yard strides
2 x 40 yard grapevines
2 x 40 yard side shuffles
2 x 40 yard high knees
2 x 40 yard butt kickers
2 x 40 yard power skips
30 x push-ups
100 x crunches

4 x 15 ground jumps + 40 yard sprint
4 x 15 tuck jumps + 40 yard sprint
30 x push-ups
100 x crunches

2 x 40 yard lunges w/ full twist
2 x 40 one-legged hops (20 yards/leg)
2 x 10 two-footed forward cone hops
2 x 10 two-footed sideways cone hops
30 x push-ups
100 x crunches

10 x 5-10-5 yard shuttle runs
10 x 40 yard sprints
4 x 100 yard strides
Total time: 25:27

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

MCUDL A League

Tonight's game was against the celebrated Mud Sharks and I learned that they have a player who's been playing in Mercer summer league since 1977. Awesome!

I arrived early enough to get in a decent warm-up and a bunch of throwing (more throwing = more better) before the game, but was generally hoping to take it easy for the night. Well, the Sharks were having none of that! The came out fired up and fought to a 7-6 lead before we rallied to take half 8-7. From then on we got things together and pulled away to 15-9ish victory.

NB - Post game sushi banquet was gluttonously awesome. Gonna miss Raph & Mere, and not just for post-league sushi.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Recovery Workout

15:00 Elliptical Machine

10:00 Exercise Bike

Lite Circuit:
30 x bench press w/ 25lb dumbbells
30 x declined sit-ups
30 x declined bench press w/ 25lb dumbbells
30 x declined sit-ups
30 x inclined bench press w/ 25lb dumbbells
30 x declined sit-ups

Long static stretching session.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Boston Invite, Day 2

Due to Saturday's storm, we had to get to the fields to continue our SoL match-up at 8am. Ouch. Apparently we didn't drink quite enough coffee because we ended up falling behind 4-8 at halftime before mounting a second half comeback only to lose on double game point. No quarterfinals for Pike.

Round 2 pitted us against DoG. We came out strong and mounted 7-2 lead only to lose half 8-7 and the game 15-13. No 9th place either.

Round 3 was against my MCUDL buddies, Roots of Rhythm. They play fast and loose and bring it physically, so they always provide a fun and competitive game. In the end, our discipline and depth were too much and we took the game 15-8 or so.

In Round 4, we faced off against Mephisto. For the third time this weekend, we jumped all over them on the onset, taking half 8-2. Sadly, more than our share of unforced errors saw us cough up the lead down the stretch and we ended up losing 15-13, which I think put us in 12th place.

Personally, I felt much better physically and played much better, although I still had a couple of throws that got D'd (one each in the SoL game and the Roots game) and even a drop (down the stretch vs. DoG) which just isn't going to cut it. Overall, I'd give myself about a B- on the weekend.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Boston Invite, Day 1

We went 2-1 on the day, with wins versus Medicine Men and Brooklyn and a loss to Providence Pack Dogs. In what would unfortunately become a theme for the weekend, we took an early lead in the game only to give it up at the end.

On a personal level, I didn't have my best day of ultimate. My legs were feeling pretty heavy and my play was less than sharp, resulting in a decent day of ultimate for me, but not great. And I'm certainly less than thrilled with getting skied twice in a row by Zip.

NB. Our fourth game of the day, vs. Sons of Liberty, ended up getting postponed due to lightning. We started the game on O, traded to 3-2, and had just forced a turn when the lightning began.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Son pocos y cobardes

Once again CHS bailed on our summer league game. Small and cowardly indeed. Despite the lack of the game, I headed to the fields to hang out and get in a bunch of throwing in pre-Easterns (what the hell is the Boston Invite?). It was probably better that way since I was pretty sore from Tuesday's workout (guess I overdid it a bit).

Afterwards, SUSHI!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tabata Mash-up

12:00 Elliptical Machine
Active Stretching

Tabata Mash-up:
8 x (:20 exercise 1, :10 rest, :20 exercise 2, :10 rest, :20 exercise 3, :10 rest)
  1. Pull-ups: 15, 13, 8, 6, 7 w/ 50lbs assist, 8 w/ 70lbs, 9 w/ 90lbs, 11 w/ 110lbs
  2. Push-ups: 35, 33, 28, 25, 23, 23, 22, 21
  3. Crunches: 32, 30, 28, 30, 30, 28, 30, 30

10:00 Exercise Bike

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Pike Scrimmage

Specific Jake and I returned to the scene of the crime for a few hours of live play. I went a disappointing 1 for 3 on the day and had some annoying decision-making errors and a couple of execution errors as well (gotta stay compact on that flick huck), leading to more than my share of turn-overs.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Pike Practice

Specific Jake, Matt and I headed down to the Edgely Ball Fields for some rainy day ultimate. We got rained on for most of the 5.5 hour session, but the team put in some solid and important work nonetheless. Afterward, most of the team headed to Ellis' for some purportedly awesome soul food, while I headed to Brick City to support the Sharpe James.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Frosty Complex

10:00 Rowing Machine
Active Stretching

The following workout is a variation on one posted by Frostillicus. Check it out for explanations and sample videos.

Lunge Complex w/ 15lb dumbbells:
12/leg x Forward Lunge w/ overhead press
12/leg x Backward Lunge w/ overhead press
10/leg x Complex: Backward Lunge w/ press into full step through to forward lunge w/ press

Cross-over Barbell Step-ups:
2 x 12/leg w/ 20lb dumbbells

Deadlift to Snatch:
4 x 6 w/ 20lb dumbbells

Pistol Squats:
2 x 10/leg, paying special attention to keeping my weight centered over my supporting leg (IE - Not sticking my ass out).

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

MCUDL A League

I managed to make it to the Mercer fields in record time (2:15:00, ugh), giving me plenty of time to be bored, get changed, get in a great warm-up, throw a bunch (something I definitely needed) cool-off, re-warm up again, and throw even more (still something I needed) before game time.

In a re-match of the last 2 finals, Big Stick faced off against Roots of Rhythm. Unfortunately, neither team was at full strength tonight, but I think Roots was lacking a few more key players then we were (IE - 2/3 of the Saul clan). Even so, Stick was hungry for revenge and we came out strong early on in the game and were able to built a comfortable lead by half-time by capitalizing on some uncharacteristic mistakes by RoR.

In the second half, Roots picked up the intensity and physicality of the game but it was too little too late and we held them off to take the game 15-9. I'm definitely looking forward to a full-strength re-match down the road.

Post game workout: Hoagie Haven, Princeton Sushi, Halo Pub. DAMN, Son!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Upper Body & Core

10:00 Elliptical Machine
Active Stretching

Dumbbell Bench Press, 40 lb Dumbbells
Bent Over Row, 40 lb Dumbells

Back Extensions

Tabata Mahlers:
5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pike Practice

After getting the boot from the Princeton Fields, we headed over to Quakerbridge Road for practice. The fields were actually quite nice today albeit slightly hard (a terrifying thought since it rained all week long!) and even though Poultry Days and a PADA wedding depleted our numbers, we still ended up with a solid turnout. It's great to see folks are hungry to play! Practice itself was challenging and fun, and we even got some work playing in a downpour. I'm really starting to get fired for Boston and to see what Pike 09 can do.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

MCUDL A League

Big Stick vs. Rutgers

I felt pretty much like crap tonight; not sure why. (Meow!) Still, we overcame my lackluster performance since our young studs played some sick D and worked hard all night to earn us a pretty comfortable win.

NB - The new cleats are awesome. For such hideous monstrosities, I can't believe how comfortable they are.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Upper & Core Work

8:00 Elliptical Machine
Active Stretching

Dumbbell Bench Press w/ 40lb DBs

Back Extensions

Tabata Chuck Kellers:
13, 12, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 13

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Barton Creek Hike

Carefully skirting the "Private Property" signs, my brother lead Mel, myself, Gregg, Matt and Anya through the Texas underbrush and live oaks to Barton Creek where we hiked along enjoying the impressive limestone carvings, pausing now and then to skip stones and point out good fishing holes. After working up a decent sweat in the Texas heat we hopped in the pool (unfortunately the creek was overgrown with algae) and soon chased everyone else away from poolside with an uproarious game of 2 v 2 kill the carrier.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Golden Dactyls

I headed over to Dripping Springs High School to throw around and play some hot box with my nephews' ultimate team. Man, it is hot as hell in Texas! We got a couple of hours of throwing in against a stiff breeze and a few rounds of hot box.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Tabata Ladder

I've been trying to get in some activity and avoid over-eating while down in Austin celebrating my eldest nephew's high school graduation. Last night I went for a 45 minute hike with my brother followed by a quick dip in the pool. This morning, I went for a walk with Mary Ellen and then followed it up with the following Tabata Ladder in the 'dry' Texas heat.

10 x Tabata Sprints (run :20, rest :10)

4:00 rest

8 x Tabata Sprints

3:oo rest

6 x Tabata Sprints

2:00 rest

4 x Tabata Sprints

1:00 rest

2 x Tabata Sprints

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Nice Kicks!

I opted to eschew the gym today and instead went in search of some new footwear. About a mile uptown, practically in the East River is a great little mom n' pop soccer shop called Doss Soccer Supply that I like to patronize. The folks are nice and helpful and, while they don't have a huge selection, they always carry a variety of nice higher end cleats that you'll never see in a Dicks or Modells.

After much deliberation, I rolled the dice and bought my first-ever Nike cleats in lieu of ye olde Puma Kings. They're garish to the point of ridiculousness, but extremely comfortable and light _and_ they seem to have the added feature of not aggravating my plantar fasciitis. Plus, I like the cleat configuration. That said, I'm not sure I'm good enough to wear these cleats:

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

MCUDL A League

Big Stick v Illuminati

We started things off right tonight with an intersquad Atlas match-up (me, Tous & Ricky vs. Dusty, Jake, & Frenchy). Upon finishing I believe Dusty remarked, "Holy Shit! I might actually be warmed up... for a summer league game!!"

The ultimate game itself was a lot of fun. Though neither team was at full strength, each could field a very solid line of club players and Pike was well represented on both sides (Stick representing the ghosts of Pike past, of course). We traded thoughout most of the game, but Stick was more consistant in the end and we were able to capitalize on some unforced errors in the second half and take the W.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Central Park Run

I decided to pay homage to Jackie O and soothe my sore muscles with a light jog around the Central Park reservoir. The weather was perfect and the scenery was great. I started out on the upper jogging path and put in a circuit (precisely 1.5 miles) in 11:32, then moved onto the bridle path for a while before heading back to work. I ran at a moderate pace and kept it relatively short since this was predominantly a recovery workout.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pike Tryouts, Day 2

Jake and I left HP at the ass-crack of dawn to get to Philly for our 8am start time. Ouch! Anyway, today's tryout involved several focused scrimmages with a smattering of quick drills thrown in here and there. Basically, a chance to see how people perform under pressure in a game situation. Again, the energy was high and I was pleased with the intensity. And, of course, more Atlas was played.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pike Tryouts, Day 1

Tryouts were at the Edgely Ballfields from 9-3pm. Most of the day was focused on skill/conditioning intensive drills with some time at the end for scrimmaging. Intensity was high throughout and I was very impressed with the skill level of the tryouts. This will undoubtably cause some tough choices for our captains, but at this early juncture, the team is already head & shoulders above where it was last season.

Today also marked the creation and inaugural game of Atlas, a game of skill, strength, and endurance, involving 2 teams of 3, a 10x10 yard field, and a medicine ball. Pure awesomeness.